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111 Educators graduate as MIE Trainers in a global ceremony

August 6, 2021

A new milestone was touched today internationally at the Knowledge L’avenir Platform – Tech Avant-Garde Global Training Partner of Microsoft conducted the MIE Trainer Graduation Ceremony conducted on July 30, 2021 with the handing out of award certifications to 111 teachers, in association with Microsoft and supported by Rotary and Knowledge Key Foundation. It was a celebratory two hour plus event since it is no mean feat for these teachers to have earned this prestigious award by training a hundred or more other teachers in the digital imparting of formal education. They have now taken a gigantic leap and are suitably ‘Future Ready’, being at par with International Standards and amply equipped to train both students and teachers on a massive global scale. 

At the graduation function we were honored by elite luminaries like Dr. Vinnie Jauhari, Director, Microsoft India who said “The Teacher’s role is so powerful that it opens door after door of the future. Microsoft cares deeply about Education. MIE Community is very vibrant. It is recognized. Teachers are shining examples of ‘Hope’. We can be part of your journey. Support you in motivation, empathy, leadership skills, experience, guidance and patience with the help of technology which has been a great enabler, harnessing the future beyond imagination.” 

Heavyweight from the global education community were part and parcel of the ceremony from overseas. Christine Thoresen, Director Worldwide Education Strategy, Microsoft Corporation. She enthusiastically said “I heard about 111 MIE Trainer are getting graduated I am so excited, it’s so important and accomplishment is tremendous” … Olga Svyrydenko, Business Strategy Lead Manager, Global Training Partner Program at Microsoft was of the faith that “We are thrilled and congratulate  you for passing the MIE Trainer certification. Now you are going to be an inspiration to other educators. Global Training Partner is going to give you opportunity to share your experiences on various forums. Coming academic year could be online or in school or blended you are going have a responsibility to train your colleagues. All the best.  And then Sonja Delafosse, Global Education Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation concurred… “Congratulation! On this achievement, Microsoft is providing with lots of learning content for you to improve your skills, you are special to us”. 

The next guest of honor was M.K. Sherwani, Director, Blossoms School, Aligarh. He said” I am happy that our twenty teachers got graduated as MIE Trainers. Next year it will be in full strength. The graduates will take responsibility to train teachers not only from our school but they will train teachers from any school that wants to go digital. Today we are blessed and it is a red letter day for our school.”

Ali Sait, CEO, Tech Avant-Garde opined “This is our dream come true. Today we have planted a seed that will avalanche Digital Transformation in Education MIE Trainer Graduates will be first Generation of Educators who will train their colleagues on Digital teaching learning tools. Now the Indian Education will go global.” In turn Roshini Kumar, President, Lycee Corp. articulated “New Times call for new organizations that can handle uncertainties of the Knowledge Age of the future, rather than the Industrial Age of the past. I congratulate MIE Trainer Graduates for taking this leap to transform education, thus transforming the world.” 

All present were delightfully confident about the beginning of a new era of the digital education globally. Coincidently just a day ago, prime minister’s also marked a full year of the National Education Policy 2020 where he assured the youth of India that NEP will take care of their aspirations. It is shining in neon how the Digital Revolution is progressing slowly and surely from local domains to International arenas. The feeling of the hour is ‘Hope’.  Education will not be a divide between the haves and the have not’s. On the contrary now devices and tools shall be provided to the students to empower them with the deserving knowledge they need to become responsible and successful global citizens, effortlessly abreast with the times.

The program concluded with the acceptance speeches of each graduate proudly enunciating their say about their life altering individual journeys. 

Also read: Tech Avant Garde to hold Carte Blanche Digital School 2020 Graduation

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