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3 Family organiser apps

ParentsWorld December 2023 | Parents World Resources PW Magazine

For parents, organising and scheduling children’s school, tuition, extra-curricular activities, household chores and family events is a big stressor. PW recommends 3 apps for parents to better organise schedules, events, and activities, writes: Kiran Balimane

RESCozyCozi Family Organizer

(Android and web)

Cozi is a popular family organiser app. Its main highlight is a shared calendar feature allowing all family members to list, track, coordinate and sync schedules, appointments, to-do lists, and activities. Another important feature is a provision to manage school events, doctor appointments, extra-curricular schedules and family activities. Parents can also store and share grocery shopping lists.


(Android and IOS)

Picniic bills itself as the “world’s first family assistant app”. Its core features are: a shared calendar (every family member has their own colour), a family locator tool, meal planner, to-do list, shopping list, recipes, special event calendar (which syncs birthdays and anniversaries onto the shared calendar), and a family information locker where you can store key information such as medical records and other household details.



(Android, IOS and web)

FamilyWall enables family members to coordinate schedules, share important reminders, and collaborate on tasks. Its ‘budgeting’ feature enables family members to share grocery, transport and school stationery bills and expenses, making it easy to track the amount spent on groceries, transport, etc by different family members. Moreover, the app enables members to create shared calendars, to-do and grocery lists, ensuring everyone is informed and organised. Other useful features are secure sharing of photos, videos, and messages within the family circle, as well as location sharing, allowing family members to track each other’s whereabouts in real-time.

Also read: Best pregnancy & child apps

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