
30 Eduleaders weathering covid tsunami: Razia Beebi T.A

30 Eduleaders weathering covid tsunami: Razia Beebi T.A

Razia Beebi T.A
Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Alleppey

Razia Beebi T.A is principal of the fully-residential, Central- government promoted Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Alleppey (estb.1992) which has 486 rural students mentored by 25 teachers on its muster rolls.

Degree of satisfaction with forced switch to e-learning. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected education in unprecedented ways. Limited access to Internet connectivity and digital devices unaffordability hampered learning continuity of a large number of students residing in rural areas and from poor households. Reports of associated health problems including digital addiction emerged as a result of children’s extended screen time and over reliance on technology. Moreover reduced interaction with peers significantly impacted children’s social skills development. Nevertheless, our school made a smooth transition to online classes which ensured learning continuity in these trying times.

Addressing challenges of lack of digital gadgets and poor Internet connectivity. We have been able to overcome the problem of limited access to Internet and digital devices through regular PTA meetings and donation drives. The Central government’s efforts to bridge the technological divide through its Digital India campaign has also yielded significant results. Moreover, the Kerala state government broadcast a televised series of lectures which helped improve accessibility and supplemented the efforts of the Union education ministry’s Swayam Prabha channels. CBSE and NCERT also conducted online capacity building programmes and workshops through the government’s Diksha portal for teachers, which were helpful.

Strategies to deal with learning loss. Google Meet and Microsoft Teams are being used as platforms for delivery of effective teaching to our students. Our teachers routinely monitor students’ online attendance and make regular phone calls to assess and enquire about their health, problems with online learning and emotional well-being. When they discern learning gaps, remedial instructional material is sent to students through WhatsApp and Google Classroom. Google forms are used to assess students and their subjects proficiency.

Future plans. I am confident that when schools are reopened for actual classes, all safety guidelines will be strictly followed. Until then, we will continue to teach through interactive online classes.

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