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5 non-BJP states skip initial State Educational Achievement Survey

November 22, 2023

Five states, governed by non-BJP parties like Delhi and West Bengal, opted out of the inaugural State Educational Achievement Survey conducted by the national assessment regulator PARAKH, as per Education Ministry sources.

The survey aimed to pinpoint areas necessitating improvement in school teaching and learning and gauged foundational, preparatory, and middle-stage competencies among students in classes three, six, and nine. On November 3, it assessed educational competencies at the block level across India, involving around 80 lakh students from three lakh schools in 5,917 blocks, along with 6 lakh teachers and over 3 lakh field investigators.

The survey, excluding Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, and West Bengal, engaged all other states and Union Territories. It used scientifically devised tools and a paper-pen-based methodology with OMR technology for data capture and analysis, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

The successful execution of the 2023 State Educational Achievement Survey promises valuable insights for evidence-based educational policies and initiatives, according to School Education Secretary Sanjay Kumar. Notably, this year’s survey expanded its sample size to comprehend learning gaps at the block level, fostering teachers’ professional development programs.

Vipin Kumar, School Education Additional Secretary, highlighted the survey’s potential impact on education policies, teacher training, and resource creation, emphasizing its role in fostering evidence-based decision-making for education system enhancement.

This survey, facilitated by PARAKH, marks a significant initiative toward holistic educational development, representing its inaugural effort under the NCERT.

Also read: NEP 2020 & NCF convergence necessity

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