
9 Productive things adolescents can do during vacations

Top 9 productive things adolescents can indulge in during vacations

Its important for parents to stop their adolescents from becoming couch potatoes during summer vacations and channelise their energies into something that is highly constructive. Here are 9 ideas that will help parents to guide their adolescents into making using of their time

Cooking/baking: To become independent is one of the important lessons that parents should teach their adolescent children. Life skills should be embedded into them when they are young itself. Cooking can teach them patience, endurance and the value of nutrition. These days learning cooking or baking can also help in building an alternate career since the demand for yummy food will never fade.

Gardening: Go green” is the need of the hour and gardening can become a lifelong hobby. Kids in their spare time should plant their own vegetable garden, or build a flower garden that will definitely boost their morale and self-content. Gardening can be one of the best activities the adolescent children can indulge in.

Part time jobs: Adolescents can engage themselves in part time jobs such as vehicle cleaning, dog walking, lawn cleaning, baby-sitting or even give private tutorials to the younger children. They can even do part time jobs at some NGOs or charity organisations and work as interns for a month in order to enhance their knowledge and develop work skills.

Short-term courses: The kids can get enrolled in short term courses in multimedia such as animation, web designing, print & publishing, digital communication design etc. The kids can even enroll for classes such as photography, video editing, writing or many more in order to add to their skill sets.

Games and sports: With obesity becoming the matter of concern among the teens and adolescent children physical activity has become a must these days. Parents have to help their children prioritize physical activity that could include games and sports as a must activity during the vacations. Badminton, tennis, swimming or aerobics is the best bet. This will certainly help them stay fit for the coming academic year.

Art and craft activities: Arts and craft can be synonym with meditation and can give immense satisfaction. With various forms of art and craft one can bring out ones own creativity to the fullest form and is the best medium to push oneself. Various arts and crafts paper craft involve crochet, painting, knitting, pottery, candle making, nail art etc.

Plan a trek or visit a new place: This is the most fun way to break away from the monotony and to unwind. The children can do this with their family or friends.

Reading: Knowledge is power and reading is the best way to acquire it. Vacations are the best way to invest in enhancing ones own knowledge through print or digital mediums. Children can read through online books, or visiting a brick and mortar library is the best for this.

Charity events: Children with a creative pulse can come up with plays, music or dance shows with the help of sponsors inorder to raise money that can be given for charity.

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