Indian Institute of Space Science And Technology
Admission to Undergraduate Programmes (B.Tech. 2013)
The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), an autonomous body under Depart of Space was formed in 2007, IIST was set up with the primary objective of generating high quality human resources to meet the requirements of DOS/ISRO. IIST presently functions from a 100 acre campus at Valiamala, located about 18 km from Thiruvanathapuram city.
Admissions to B.Tech Programme 2013:
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), ANNOUNCES ADMISSION TO ITS 4 YEAR b.Tech Degree Programmes in Aerospace Engineering, Avionics and Physical Sciences for the academic year 2013-14.
Aerospace Engineering programme includes foundation level courses in fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics, Solid Mechanics and Material Science and applied courses in Propulsion Systems, Aerospace Structures and Precision manufacturing processes for launch vehicles, aircrafts and spacecrafts.
Avionics programme covers courses in Electronics and Electrical Engineering that includes Control system, Digital Electronics, VLSI, MEMS design, Communication and computer systems with thrust on aerospace vehicle and satellite systems, flight navigation systems, satellite communication, microwave and antenna engineering.
Physical Sciences programme has been designed to cater to the science requirements of the country in general and space research in particular. The curriculum includes foundation and advanced level courses on Applied Mathematics, Classical and Modern Physics as well as courses in areas of space sciences such as Astronomy & Astrophysics, remote Sensing and Earth System Sciences.
IIST follows the reservation policy of Government of India as applicable to Higher educational Institutions for reservation of seats for various categories.
The full assistanceship per semester for tuition fees, hostel accommodation and boarding, etc. shall be borne by IIST, from time to time.
On successful completion of the Under Graduate Programme in IIST, students meeting the specified academic standards of IIST may be absorbed in DOS/ISRO centres for IIST Graduates.
Eligibility for Admission:
1. Only Indian citizens can apply for admission to IIST
2. The date of birth of the candidates belonging to GEN Aand OBD (NCL) categories should be on or after October 1, 1988, while the date of birth of those belonging to SC, ST & PD Candidates
3. After qualifying the Joint Entrance Examination, JEE (Main)-2013 conductred by CBSE, the candidate must appear for IIT-JEE (Advanced)-2013.
a) General Candidates: At least 5% marks in each of the three subjects Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and 20% marks in aggregate.
b) OBC (NCL) Candidates: At least 90% of the marks prescribed for General Candidates as given in (a)
C) SC, ST & PD candidates: At least 50% of the marks prescribed for General Candidates as given in (a)
The marks secured by the candidate in JEE (Advanced)-2013 examination will be used only for deciding his/her eligibility for admission.
Rank List for Admission:
Admission to Undergraduate Programmes (B.Tech) for the year 2013 will be based on the All India Rank List (including category rank list) prepared and published for the year 2013 by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). This rank list is based on 60% weightage of score in the Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Main)-2013, and 40% of normalized score in Class 12th or other qualifying examinations.
Online registration of application for admission to IIST will commence on 17th May 013 at our Website and end on 8th July 2013. Detailed information and IIST Admission Brochure will be published in our website by 30th April 2013.
More details of JEE (main)-2013 may be viewed at
More details of JEE (Advances)-2013 may be viewed at
Detailed Information and Admission Brochure shall be published by 30th April 2013
For more information, please visit http://www/
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