
Beating the morning rush

Beating the morning rush

PW invited parents of Just Kiddin’ International Preschool & Daycare, Mumbai to share some insights on ways and means to beat the morning rush to get children ready for school

In my opinion, team work and advance planning hold the key to restful nights and stress-free school mornings. My four-year-old daughter Amyra (junior KG) follows an early to bed and early to rise routine. Once she is asleep, I finish all my household chores including ironing and planning meals with my husband who helps clean and chop vegetables. Unlike other children her age, Amyra is cheerful in the mornings, completes all her morning chores independently and doesn’t fuss over her milk. This gives me ample time to prepare breakfast, pack bags and lunch boxes” — Megha Sharma, chief of operations, Just Kiddin’ International

Although my 11-year-old daughter Krishna (class V) has grown up to become an independent middle schooler, my seven-year-old son Apurva (senior KG) doesn’t seem to be a morning person and takes far too long to leave his bed and get ready for school. To avoid early morning chaos, I prepare for the morning marathon the night before — vegetables are chopped, clothes ironed, lunch boxes washed and dried. While the children have been taught to pack their own school bags, I ensure they complete their homework on time. I am an early riser and make it a point to wake the children up in a cheerful tone often breaking into song so they can start their day on a positive note” — Chaitra Bahuman, research associate, IIT-Bombay

“Every morning is a rush of activities. I believe keeping calm and maintaining a cool demeanour helps minimise stress and makes schoolgoing children feel secure and think positively. To be on the safe side, I maintain a to-do checklist and keep it ready before hitting the bed. I also ensure my six-year-old daughter Nyushka (senior KG) watches television in moderation so her sleep cycle isn’t disturbed” — Sharmistha Chakravarty Iyer, senior manager-human resource, Worldline India Pvt Ltd- An ATOS Company

“My husband and I are working professionals and our child Arav is a kindergartener. We have spent many stressful mornings as it is a challenge for all of us to leave the house by 8:30 a.m every day. Fortunately I hav recently hired kitchen help to assist me in the mornings to prepare and pack meals. Having help now allows me to focus on getting myself organised for work and getting Arav ready for preschool and his day care, where he spends a substantial amount of time” — Nupur Gupta, senior manager-furniture, Hometown, Praxis Home Retail

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