The Calcutta High Court on Tuesday directed the Enforcement Directorate and CBI to file separate reports before it on the progress of their investigations into alleged irregularities in primary school job recruitments in West Bengal.
While the CBI is probing the alleged irregularities in the recruitment process, the ED is investigating the money trail involved in the matter.
Justice Amrita Sinha asked the ED to file its probe progress report on December 14, while the CBI has time till December 20 to submit its report on the investigation.
The court asked the ED’s counsel whether the central agency had found out the source of income by which assets could have been obtained by accused persons in the case.
ED’s counsel Dhiraj Trivedi submitted that documents can be submitted to the court in a sealed cover if the bench wanted.
The court asked whether the ED has been able to track the money trail, to which its counsel answered in the affirmative.
Asking the ED counsel whether there was any chance the properties mentioned in an earlier sealed cover report to the court may get transferred or sold off to frustrate the entire proceeding, Justice Sinha told him to look into all these details and possibilities.
The secretary of the West Bengal Board of Primary Education filed a report in the form of an affidavit to the court during the hearing.
It mentioned that district-wise panels of the recruitment process for 2016 were initially published by the district primary school councils.
Petitioners’ counsel submitted that district-wise panels were not published at any point of time and the panel published were not in accordance with the recruitment rules.
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