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Bengal college among 18 warned over anti-ragging lapses by UGC

February 11, 2025

The University Grant Commission (UGC), on February 5, slapped a show-cause notice on Kolkata’s iconic Institute of Post Graduate Medical (TASE:PMCN) Education & Research, often popularly referred to as the S.S.K.M. Medical College & Hospital for failure to submit an “anti-ragging declaration” list from the students and guardians. 

According to UGC none of the 200 new entrants at S.S.K.M has submitted any declaration on the website in the matter. However, the West Bengal state Health Department said that the lapse occurred from some gap in communication and will be resolved soon.

“In the case of medical colleges & hospitals, such anti-ragging undertakings are generally forwarded to the National Medical Commission. Now if the same needs to be forwarded to UGC as well, it will surely be done,” a senior official of the Department said.

However, in addition to S.S.K.M, 17 other medical colleges in the country have been slapped with a show-cause notice by the commission for the same lapse. Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Puducherry, each have two such colleges; Andhra Pradesh and Bihar have three; while Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh have one each.

“It was found that these colleges had not complied with the mandatory requirements set forth in the Anti-Ragging Regulations, 2009, for curbing the menace of ragging. Specifically, it has come to our notice that the institutions failed to obtain the anti-ragging undertakings from students as required by the said regulations,” University Grants Commission (UGC) Secretary Manish Joshi said.

It is pertinent to note here that the Anti-Ragging Regulations, 2009, makes it mandatory for every student and their parents as well as guardians to submit an anti-ragging undertaking at the time of admission right at the commencement of a new academic year.

“This undertaking is a crucial measure to prevent and deter any incidents of ragging within educational institutions. The failure to secure these undertakings not only constitutes non-compliance with the regulations but also puts the well-being and safety of the students at risk,” Mr. Joshi added.

UGC has instructed the defaulter colleges to submit a written document within seven days from the date of receiving the notice, explaining the reason for the lapse and stating the measures they are planning to undertake to address this situation at the earliest.

“Failure to provide a satisfactory explanation within the stipulated time frame will compel us to proceed with further necessary actions as per the provisions of the Anti-Ragging Regulations, 2009, including but not limited to the imposition of penalties and other corrective measures,” Mr. Joshi added.

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