Ever since Rakesh Sharma, the only Indian astronaut who travelled to space in 1984, we have not witnessed any such expedition by an Indian. After four decades of wait, Capt. Gopichand Thotakura has achieved this feat. He is an Indian civil astronaut selected by Blue Origin for its New Shepard’s 25th Mission, along with five other Astronaut from across the world. Capt. Gopichand grew up at Sarala Birla Academy, a premier residential school at Bangalore, where he took up the IBDP at the +2 level. Thereafter he joined the prestigious Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University at Florida, USA and graduated as the senior class president after the completion of a ‘Bachelor of Science’ in Aeronautical Science. During his time there, he performed exceptional tasks and participated in multiple activities to stand out from the rest. He also achieved multiple awards and recognitions at Embry-Riddle, like the Outstanding Leadership Award, Good Samaritan Award, and Outstanding Safety and Dedication Award. Gopichand delivered his graduation commencement speech with astronaut Nicole Stot, a proud moment for him as a commercial pilot. There’s much that he’s achieved so early in life. Capt. Gopichand Thotakura learnt how to fly before he could drive. He is the co-founder of Preserve Life Corp, a global center for holistic wellness and applied health located near Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. In addition to flying jets commercially, Capt. Gopi pilots bush, aerobatic and seaplanes, as well as gliders and hot air balloons and has served as an international medical jet pilot. A lifelong traveler, his longing for adventure took him to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro sometime back. His quest to explore more than just commercial flying enabled him to pursue advanced trainings like Normobaric Chamber Hypoxia High Altitude Lab training, Airline Flight Crew Techniques and Procedures, and he emphasized the importance of Crew Resource Management (CRM). He has also flown experimental aircraft; he owns an Aircam by Lockwood Aviation, a one-of-its-kind three-seater tandem experimental ultralight airplane that he assembled himself. Another major highlight of his young career is his tenure as a pioneer in India’s medical air ambulance missions, where he piloted a Learjet 45XR aircraft in India to uncontrolled and tier 3 city airfields, rescuing trapped wounded citizens who needed immediate medical evacuations. Having flown over 2000 medical medivac missions, carrying a 3-day-old newborn to a 103-year-old man, transporting organs for critical human transplants, and pushing the boundaries of Bombardier’s engine parameters, he has immense experience as an international medical jet pilot. Sarala Birla Academy is of course very happy for – and proud of – its child for all that he’s achieved. But the school feels the happiest for the kind of human being ‘Gopi’ has grown up to be. He’s among the kindest of people and what really sets him apart is his humility. The sky surely is not the limit for Capt, Gopichand Thotakura..! (Much of the above has been taken from an article by – and with the kind permission of – Aviation World) Also read: Sarala…
Capt. Gopichand Thotakura, Sarala Birla Academy Alumnus, becomes India’s first civil astronaut
EducationWorld March 2024 | Magazine Special Report