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Career Business Schools release anti ragging poster

September 20, 2012

With classes for the new batch of undergraduate students set to begin, Career Business schools announced on September 19, their intiative to educate students and college faculty about ragging and thereby prevent ragging incidents in colleges.

The main objective of ragging is to ‘break the ice’ between the senior students and the new entrants but in practice, it is more of an agonizing experience.

India’s 335 universities and 17,000 colleges, with an enrolment of approximately six million students, are plagued by ragging. At the start of every academic session, the media flashes news of suicides by new entrants, unable to bear the disgrace, ignominy and dishonor inflicted on them by their seniors.

The initiative has been taken by Career Business schools in order to make the students aware of  anti-ragging helpline numbers. Such committees would help students in extricating themselves from these situations as soon as possible.

Ajay Khare, director, Career College of Management said, “As part of the anti-ragging drive, we have designed this poster which will be provided to different colleges in Bhopal.”

Pradeep Jain, director, Career College said, “This is a small step that we have taken to raise awareness on the issue. These posters would be displayed in all college notice boards. The college management has also constituted an anti-ragging committee on the campus as it is the responsibility of the management to control ragging”.

Posters, listing the anti-ragging helpline number and contact details of the university information centre have been designed by Career Business Schools to be put up in various colleges in and around Bhopal.

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