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Child safety basics

ParentsWorld November 2018 | Magazine Parents Corner Parents World

PW invited parents of GD Goenka World School, Sohna Road, to share their ideas on promoting and ensuring child safety

Monica Mital“Safety and security of my sons Nakul (class VII) and Kunal (class V) is top priority especially when they are home alone. We have shared the contacts of all our close friends and relatives on their smartphones so they can seek their assistance in an emergency. Prior to our vacations overseas, I make badges containing details of hotel and nearby police and fire stations, which I insist they must wear at all times during the tour. Even on school excursions and treks, Nakul and Kunal have been instructed to strictly stick with their respective groups and keep their guide’s contact number handy. In my opinion, the most important caution we exercise is never to leave our children entirely in the care of domestic staff.” — Monica Mital, owner, Cotton Crafters

Julia Carmen Desa

“I am an entrepreneur and have erratic working hours. However I ensure complete safety of my five-year-old daughter Amarah Ripdaman Singh (Kindergarten), by relying on new-age digital technologies such as CCTV, iPhone etc. I keep an eye on Amarah on an hourly basis whether she is in playschool or alone at home with her nanny. Before leaving for work, I take utmost care to ensure the doors to the balconies of the house are locked and sharp items are kept out of reach. Moreover, I have strictly instructed her not to accept gifts from strangers or encourage conversation. I have also educated her about good and bad touch to the extent possible.” — Julia Carmen Desa, entrepreneur.

Shalini Garg“A three-point programme works best to keep my daughters — 19-year-old Arshia and14-year-old Suhana (class VIII) — safe when they are home alone. First, never open the door to anyone even if they are neighbours or family friends. When they are outdoors on their own, my daughters carry pepper spray and are well prepared to report to the nearest police station in case of an untoward incident. Thirdly, I have taught my daughters the nuances of self-defence, which is by far the best way to keep them safe.” — Shalini Garg, poet and blogger

Sweyta Mishra“We have suitably educated our children — 17-year-old Inika (class XI) and 14-year old Akshath (class IX) — about how to cope with medical emergencies in our absence. Both of them are well-trained in first-aid, and know whom to call in case of a crisis. Phone numbers of our friends, family and neighbours are shared on their phones and pasted on the notice boards in their bedrooms. A year ago, Akshath had an accidental fall on the stairs and badly bruised his knees. Inika was quick to help him up and apply first-aid and then called in our neighbour who took Akshath to a doctor. I am confident my children can manage themselves fairly well in our absence.” — Sweyta Mishra, academic advisor, The ITM Global School

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