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Conserving Mother Earth

ParentsWorld November 2021 | Kidzone Magazine Parents World

Nikhil Jayadevan

As deliberated extensively at the recently concluded COP 26 global climate summit held in Glassgow, planet Earth is experiencing global warming and climate change, which has prompted unnatural weather conditions, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Here are some simple ways in which children can learn about conserving Mother Earth and natural resources:

The water worksheet

The Water Worksheet identifies ‘water wasters’ and turns them into ‘water savers’.

On a chart paper, draw two columns and label them Water Waster and Water Saver. Team up with friends and go on rounds of the neighbourhood to observe how water is being used. For example: Is the driver using a hose pipe to wash his car? Does your building’s water tank overflow often? List these two under the column, Water Waster.

Next brainstorm with your friends about how water can be saved in each situation. For example: the driver can use a bucket of water instead of a hose pipe to wash his car. To prevent the overhead water tank from overflowing, a sensor can be installed to automatically turn off the motor. Write down the best ways to conserve water under the Water Saver column.


Turn polythene bags into soft cushions. This is a great eco-friendly way of conserving Mother Earth by getting rid of plastic bags without despoiling the soil and environment.

Snip plastic bags into tiny bits. Stuff the pieces into a cushion cover. Zip it up or stitch the opening shut so that no plastic pieces escape. Paint an eco-slogan on it or embroider a pretty pattern.

Ideas for an environment campaign against overuse of plastic bags

Plastic bags, except biodegradable ones, almost never decay. Over 1 billion tonnes of plastic is generated annually with most of it landing in the ocean resulting in 100,000 sea animals dying every year choking on plastic waste. So, the more plastic we keep away from trash cans, the better for the environment. Here are some ideas to start a local community campaign against plastics usage:

  • Groups of friends can pledge not to throw plastic bags in the trash bin
  • Organise an eco-cushions making party.
  • Donate the eco-cushions to an orphanage or old people’s home. Or sell to friends and family and use proceeds to support environment causes.


Bonding with neighbours by car pooling can cut fuel consumption by half and reduce air pollution. Whether it is grocery shopping or visiting public parks, there are sure to be neighbours who do similar things, visit similar places. Make a list of places your family visits every week. Match the travel pattern with a neighbouring family. A little effort is needed to match schedules, but it is possible by making a Family Travel Schedule.

Draw three columns on a sheet of paper, label them ‘Name of family member’, ‘Where they go’, ‘When.’ Fill in the columns for each family member. Calculate the number of trips which can be cut down by clubbing activities. Get together with neighbours and match timings and outings.

Also read: Food, art and crafts, & eco-conservation

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