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Jammu Sanskriti School

COVID19 Challenge: Jammu Sanskriti School, Jammu online learning success

April 18, 2020

Jammu Sanskriti School“With schools being shut down across the globe due to the COVID-19 pandemic, educators worldwide are leaving no stone unturned to keep the students engaged in this hour of crisis. The lockdown has urged our teachers and students to not only construct academic content in innovative ways but to also focus on developing ethics, emotional intelligence, acquaint themselves with the concept of sustainable development and promote accountability. Moreover, with parents contributing actively to the teaching-learning process, they have become equal partners in this  unprecedented journey.”

– Rohini Aima, principal and vice-chairperson of the CBSE affiliated Jammu Sanskriti School, Jammu.

Inaugurated in April 2013, the CBSE affiliated Jammu Sanskriti School (JSS) has emerged as a frontrunner in providing contemporary K-12 education in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. The school’s technology integrated student-centred curriculum is designed to enable students to emerge as capable leaders of tomorrow well equipped to face unforeseen challenges of the 21st century. 

Amid the ongoing nationwide lockdown in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, JSS has made a swift transition to virtual learning through a comprehensive strategy outlined below:

Conceptualisation: For the teachers, there was little time to plan in detail or prepare with the decision to switch to online learning being taken swiftly. All required resources and guidelines were provided to the teachers to enable them to conduct the virtual classes. Brainstorming sessions were conducted for teachers with the head of the school taking a proactive role.

Jammu Sanskriti SchoolOnline teacher training: Teachers honed their creative and ICT skills — screen-sharing, video-recording, replying to student queries — by leveraging several digital learning tools in order to make their classes interesting. The students were provided guidance in acquainting themselves with the nuances of online learning within their respective comfort zones.

Communication: A circular was sent to the parents briefing them about the  scenario and requesting their support in preparing their children for the live online classes. 

Scheduling sessions: To ensure that each day is productively utilised, a proper timetable with allocation of adequate time for each academic subject, recreational activities, personal time and family time was chalked out. Teachers formulated e-learning schedules for each class; besides live video lectures through Google Classroom and Zoom, Web Cloud, YouTube links, WhatsApp, Google Duo and Google Forms are being used by teachers for assessments and interactions.

All virtual classrooms adhere to their time tables and stay abuzz with e-learning modules, discussions with teachers, well researched videos and fun worksheets, to create a sense of school routine.

Jammu Sanskriti SchoolDigitally powered scholastic and co-scholastic education: The school transitioned all of its classes into an online format wherein teachers provide interactive video lessons, animations,  live classes to students to make teaching-learning process more interactive and interesting. Moreover, students are regularly connected with the teachers who address their curriculum related queries from time to time. 

  • Small creative assignments, projects, practice worksheets and exercises which students can complete easily on their own or under the guidance of their parents are given to reinforce classroom learning.
  • Students are asked to write stories, poems, songs, raps or design activities or games or engage in other creative work on any topic of their choice to demonstrate their understanding of the concept.

Fun activities: Physical education, art, music and dance teachers too, have made a virtual entry into the homes of students through their online lessons. Life skills, art and craft, fun activities support students personal growth, by providing knowledge and skills. Through these activities children learn to value, understand culture and utilise their time intelligently during lockdown. 

Inclusive school: JSS is the only inclusive school in Jammu that is committed  to provide an enabling and nurturing environment for students with special needs. Digital technology reduces or eliminates barriers to learning for students with special needs. This makes them more independent, enables them to keep up with their peers, gain self-confidence, and collaborate with classmates and teachers via Zoom. During lockdown the special students also showcase their talent by doing different activities.

Parents Voices

“We wanted to send through a quick note of appreciation at the end of the first week of this digital learning initiative. Our child appears to have settled in well in this digital way of learning. Kudos to team JSS.” 

– JSS parent (on condition of anonymity). 

“In the present scenario, this is a satisfactory way of keeping the kids in touch with learning. Kids engage in the curriculum related activities sincerely as they know that it has come from school. Thanks for the initiative, anticipating more interesting ways to teach.” 

– Another JSS parent


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