Crack Academy hosted an inspiring awards ceremony at Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Jawalamukhi, celebrating the outstanding achievements of students from Jawalamukhi, Hamirpur, and Bilaspur constituencies. These top performers excelled in the scholarship test held under the academy’s CSR initiative, “Mere Sheher ke 100 Ratan.” The event recognized 250 students, who were awarded scholarships and free courses worth ₹1.25 crore (₹50,000 per student), reaffirming the academy’s commitment to empowering young minds through education. Shri Sanjay Rattan, MLA of Jawalamukhi, was the Chief Guest, joined by school principals and other dignitaries.
The scholarship program received impressive participation, with over 10,800 students from 59+ schools and colleges across the three constituencies. The venue was filled with pride and excitement as students, parents, and educators gathered to celebrate this remarkable achievement.
Neeraj Kansal, CEO and Founder of Crack Academy, expressed, “Our CSR initiative is dedicated to nurturing the academic potential of deserving young minds. We are honored to offer these scholarships and help students across Jawalamukhi, Hamirpur, and Bilaspur realize their aspirations and compete at a national level.”
He commended the students’ accomplishments, especially the younger ones, and highlighted the role of parental support. Neeraj also presented two computers and two printers to the school and announced that Crack Academy would conduct state and national-level tests across Himachal Pradesh and India, aiming to improve educational opportunities in the region.
Shri Sanjay Rattan, MLA of Jawalamukhi, spoke passionately about ongoing school development in the region, emphasizing his commitment to improving educational facilities. He praised Crack Academy’s initiative, stating, “These efforts bridge the gap in access to quality education and open new opportunities for students in rural areas. The event demonstrated the power of collaboration between educational institutions and organizations to create transformative change.”
Shri Rattan also announced a ₹25,000 donation to schools and pledged further financial support for enhancing infrastructure and opportunities for students.
Principals from various schools expressed their gratitude for Crack Academy’s efforts. Panita Sood, Principal of Government Girls Senior Secondary School, Jawalamukhi, said, “We are incredibly thankful to Crack Academy for offering our students this invaluable opportunity. These scholarships not only recognize their talent but also inspire them to dream bigger and work harder toward their goals.” The ceremony also honored principals for their dedication to fostering young talent.
Scholarship recipients like Sujal Rana, Anshita Thakur, and Sejal expressed deep gratitude for the opportunities. Sujal shared, “This scholarship is a major milestone in my educational journey. I’m thankful to Crack Academy for believing in me and giving me the chance to pursue my dreams.”
The event concluded with a renewed sense of hope and aspiration, as Crack Academy’s CSR initiative, “Mere Sheher ke 100 Ratan,” continues to empower students and provide equitable educational opportunities across tier-3 and tier-4 cities.
Also read: Student Tribe honours student with Rs. 50,000 Diya Scholarship
Posted in Corporate, News