
Creative parenting: Protect your child from cyberbullying

While you can keep lines of communication open, it helps to prepare your child to handle cyber-bullying by herself. Here are a few solutions you could ask your child to follow if she encounters cyberbullies.

1. Block unwanted posts. Removing a cyberbully from your contact list and blocking posts and messages from them is the first initiative to be taken. Email providers and networking sites allow you to report abuse, especially in case of an unknown cyberbully. Show your child how to block posts and friends, if the situation warrants.

2. Save some evidence. Retain copies of offensive posts or messages, so that they can be used as evidence if necessary. But avoid passing around offensive messages by forwarding them to others. However stay out of children’s online battles to the extent possible

3. Get help. Cyberbullying is a problem where adult intervention is needed. Confide in a parent, teacher, counsellor or trusted adult. The problem could take a serious turn, so bear in mind that getting help from an adult is really essential.

Also read: Teaching children about internet safety and cyberbullying

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