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Crystal Crop Protection Ltd. Launches Agriculture Scholarship for Girls

Crystal Crop Protection Limited, a leading agrochemical organisation, recently announced its commitment to support the advancement of agricultural education and increasing women’s participation. In a collaboration with the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), the brand has announced the launch of its progressive scholarship programme tailored specifically for girl students who are pursuing higher studies in agriculture. NAAS, is a Delhi-based National Academy dedicated to Agricultural sciences.

The initiative, launched in the honour of Ankur Aggarwal’s mother Late Smt. Kanak Aggarwal, reflects the commitment of Crystal Crop Protection Limited’s MD, who was eager to extend the benefit of the scholarship to girl students pursuing agriculture courses.

This special initiative promotes and encourages aspirations of next generation students by providing financial support and a plethora of opportunities to young women who are passionate about making a difference in the field of agriculture. The scholarship programme will offer financial assistance to 21 girl students for pursuing graduation programme in 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year making a total of 84 scholarships every year.

“At Crystal Crop, we hold in high regard the pivotal role that women play in India’s agricultural landscape. We are keenly aware of the hurdles they confront and champion the vision of a farming community where gender parity thrives across all spheres. With the launch of this scholarship programme, we pay homage to my late mother, a fervent advocate for girls’ education. Inspired by her passion, we are driven to carry forward her legacy by nurturing the aspirations of young women committed to excelling in the agricultural sector. Our goal is to furnish them with top-notch education and abundant opportunities within the field. By equipping these budding talents with the requisite support, we envision a future where they not only excel academically but also embark on fulfilling careers,” said Ankur Aggarwal, managing director, Crystal Crop Protection Limited.

The scholarship programme will not only provide financial aid but girl students will be able to take advantage of the college mentorship opportunities and network via organised events. They will also be mentored in their career development through workshops. 

The programme will commence from the upcoming session in July/August, 2024. Applications for scholarship programme are now open for eligible girl students that meet criteria and have demonstrated academic excellence. Applicants can find more information and apply through the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences & Crystal Crop website.

“We believe that through this noble gesture, we are encouraging young women to take up different education streams in agricultural studies. Through this, we are not only investing in the students futures but also impacting the agricultural sector as a whole. We are excited to see a positive impact that these upcoming professionals will have on their communities and the broader agricultural landscape.” added Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR.

The applications will be open for a short window following the programme’s announcement. This will be followed by multiple stages including application review and shortlisting, interviews of shortlisted applicants and final selection basis submission of mandatory documents.

Crystal Crop Protection Ltd is a R&D based crop solution company with a wide range of crop protection, seeds and farm mechanisation products. The company works closely with Indian farming community towards improving farm profitability & sustainability by offering seed to harvest solutions. For more information, please visit

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