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Delhi: 30 teachers were detained from Mandi House during an anti-NEP protest

September 5, 2024

Around 30 teachers were detained by police in Central Delhi’s Mandi House during a unity march protesting various issues, including NEP 2020, paper leaks, and the reduction of reservations in educational institutions. The detention occurred despite the teachers gathering peacefully to voice their concerns over policies they believe are detrimental to the education system.

The joint students-teachers unity march, organized by associations from several central and state universities, was planned to take place on Teacher’s Day, symbolizing the solidarity of educators and students in their fight against what they see as a weakening of the education sector. The march was intended to move from Mandi House to Jantar Mantar, but according to a senior police officer, the teachers were detained when they attempted to head towards the Embassy area, despite having permission to protest at Jantar Mantar.

“The teachers were allowed to hold their protest, but when they tried to move towards the Embassy area, police were forced to detain them. Those protesting at Jantar Mantar were allowed to continue,” the officer said.

The Federation of Central University Teachers Associations (FEDCUTA) alleged that the detentions were forceful, accusing the police of preventing the educators from executing their peaceful march. FEDCUTA president Moushumi Basu stated that although the police promised to drop them at Jantar Mantar, they were instead taken to Kapashera Police Station near the Gurugram border, far from the protest location.

Among those detained were prominent FEDCUTA leaders, including Basu and former presidents Nandita Narain, D.K. Lobiyal, and Rajib Ray. The teachers’ association issued a statement condemning the detentions, calling it a clear violation of democratic rights. “On a day meant to celebrate teachers, the nation witnessed senior educators and students being forcibly detained. This is not just an affront to our profession but a blatant attack on Indian democracy. The state’s treatment of education, learning, and the teaching community is deeply concerning,” the statement read.

Meanwhile, student groups from various universities such as Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Ambedkar University, and Delhi University gathered at Jantar Mantar to continue the protest. Carrying placards and raising slogans, they voiced their opposition to NEP 2020, the recent spate of exam paper leaks, and the diminishing role of reservations in educational institutes.

The protest reflects growing dissatisfaction within the academic community over educational reforms and other systemic issues. Many educators and students argue that the New Education Policy undermines inclusivity, worsens inequality, and weakens public education, while the rise in paper leaks has eroded trust in the examination system. The demonstration aimed to draw attention to these pressing concerns and demand immediate action from the government to address the crisis in the education sector.

Source: PTI

Also read: Educationists demand NEP reversal, labeling it “anti-people” and “anti-poor

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