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Demand upswing for film editors

EducationWorld February 11 | EducationWorld
With the Indian film industry having emerged as the largest in the world and the citizenry being offered the choice of over 515 television channels, professionally qualified film editors are much sought afterThe most glamorous career options in Indias multi-billion dollar movies, film and television industries dominated by ‘Bollywood are in mainstream acting or direction. However, the film and television industry also has plenty of less glamorous but interesting and creative career avenues such as editing, a critical component of film production. Thats why countrywide, ambitious youth of both sexes are flocking to film institutes to study the specialised art of film editing. A professional film editor is an expert in the art of ‘cutting. Editors work in studios, view footage shot by the directors to fine tune audio-visual output, and use their skills to mix, or glide smoothly between the narrative sequence and music so that it makes sense and appeals to audiences. Narrative skills and thorough understanding of the script and screenplay to add depth or compress footage, are required of a competent editor. And apart from inherent creativity, proficiency in the editing software application Final Cut Pro (FCP) is mandatory. With industry demand for prof-essionally qualified film editors rising continuously, most film institutes offer certificate, diploma and postgraduate programmes. The minimum admission qualification required is Plus Two, but collegiate graduation is required for admission into postgraduate diploma courses in film editing offered by government-aided institutes. Admission is either through an entrance exam and/or interview. Among the prominent institutes offering film editing study programmes are the Central governments Film & Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune which offers a full-time three-year postgraduate diploma in film editing; Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata — a three-year postgrad diploma in film and television with an option to specialise in editing in the second and third years; Whistling Woods International, Mumbai — a two-year full-time diploma in film editing and other specialisations and a four-week short-term programme in editing skills and FCP; Flash Frame Visuals Academy of Film & Video Editing, Bangalore which conducts short part-time diploma courses in professional editing, and Digital Academy, Mumbai offers short-term courses of six months duration in non-linear editing. With the Indian film industry having emerged as the largest in the world producing over 1,000 feature films per year with an annual turnover of Rs.6,000 crore, and the citizenry being offered the choice of over 515 television channels, professional film editors are much sought after, and demand will keep rising in years to come. Competent profess-ionals have the option of working in feature and non-feature films, docum-entaries, ad films, and television. Its a money-spinning vocation and once youve carved a niche for yourself, the sky is the limit. Indias film and television industry is growing continuously and we anticipate enough jobs for qualified professionals. With the onset of the digital revolution, opportunities in this field have multiplied. The number of applicants for admission into film editing programmes at Whistling Woods is rising every year,
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