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Diplomathon Global World Edition – Dialogue of Resilience amidst the pandemic

ParentsWorld September 2020 | Spotlight Feature

With over 24 diverse committees, Diplomathon Global World Edition, the most diverse international platform by Diplomathon Global yet on global perspective and communication amongst middle school & high school students (Grades 6 to 12) concluded on 6th September held online. Participants from across 9 different countries attended the session and were part of different committees like the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, NASA, BRICS etc. The conference was held on 3rd, 5th & 6th September virtually and had agendas that revolved around global issues with over 240 schools participating globally. Students discussed & debated upon various topics like calling out to governments to intensify actions on land to meet climate change targets, Tracking progress of the COVID – 19 vaccine & Plan of action for Distribution of Vaccination, The Chinese debt and its effect on SAARC’s functioning, Measures to recover debt given to countries while considering their economic status and progress made from previous drawings and many more. Students formed resolutions & blocs to experience and understand how countries function on an international platform

Diplomathon Global has curated more than 18 conferences internationally. Embracing the new normal Diplomathon Global has successfully transformed its conference modules into a virtual platform and engaged youth globally

Resilience can help us get through and overcome hardship. That’s why we all respond to stress and adversity—like that from the COVID-19 pandemic— differently, our response on this world forum has been of a like minded one.Going online has made Diplomathon Global Conferences accessible to every student across the world. The training session modules focus on enhancing the conference experience & equipping the student with the right research tools & a direction for parliamentary debates.

Cultivating a growth mind-set, strategic collaborations, mindful actions, carefully crafted speeches and impromptu outlook has been the focus for Diplomathon Global World Edition. In this era of globalization, learning about the world is more important than ever. No matter what field or profession students enter, they will interact with people from different countries and diverse backgrounds. Problems taking place halfway around the globe impact our lives, our country, and our communities

Delegates had various training sessions to prepare for the conference which helped them to understand the format better. The conference also included crisis committees to instigate problem solving & adaptability of the students

The aim was to cultivate & enhance leadership skills, negotiation skills, public speaking skills etc. It is said that at conferences, students learn from each other. The conference does not replace the classroom – the conference always complements the classroom. Students internalize what they learn in class and deliver that information through speeches, caucusing, and resolutions. Students learnt about the world as they prepared for the Diplomathon Global World Edition, representing countries other than their own, and present possible solutions to global problems in committee.

The opportunity provided students a platform to engage & interact with delegates across borders while staying within the comforts of their home.

Diplomathon Global World Edition with its preconference training session provided with a platform for the delegates to interact & formulate strategies prior to the conference. This added to their confidence & also eased the environment as they interacted prior to the formal proceedings. The conference concluded with all committees successfully passing a resolution.

“The day was simply amazing, I have never sat on one place the whole day, be it physically or on an online platform but the sessions were really captivating and I enjoyed and cherished every second.”

-Prishaa, Delegate of UNICEF II

The students who participated in Diplomathon Global World Edition have come out after the 3 day conference learning new skills and enjoying themselves thoroughly. For a lot of them it is where they stepped into the world of Diplomacy and spoke about a matter related to the world

Diplomathon Global is driven to provide access to a larger community of like minded individuals and shape the very framework we all live in across geographies on this planet with the participation of 900+ students worldwide.

Diplomathon Global World Edition in association with Education World, Parents World & SDG’s for Children made it possible to amplify our collective voice towards a more informed generation who is both aware and agile to changing times. With Diplomathon Global World Edition being a huge success, Diplomathon Global, for the first time ever, is all set to welcome Primary Students on 24th October for Diplomathon Global Primary Edition.

Because of their young age, primary/ elementary school students are usually more open minded to consider and accept diverse opinions, which is something very important for the resolution of international conflicts. Diplomathon Global Primary Edition is conceptualised based on & related to the Sustainable Development Goals to help young students adapt & develop a basic understanding of the real world by communication and awareness building.

With new beginnings, the organisation prepares to welcome young delegates & eager parents aboard.

To know more about Diplomathon Global log on to www.

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