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Chunky Rainbow Crayons

Anitha Bennett

You can make your own multicolour crayons using your old ones.

You need:


  1. Peel the paper from old crayons.
  2. Place the larger shallow pan filled with water on a stove. Allow water to boil. Ask an adult to help while you are doing this.
  3. In the smaller pan that will fit into the larger one, put in your crayon pieces and a spoonful of glitter.
  4. Float the smaller pan with the crayons and the glitter in the larger pan with boiling water. You will
    see that your crayon stubs begin to melt.
  5. After the crayons have melted, use a oven mitten and lift the little pan out of the water. Don’t leave it
    for too long or stir the mixture. If you do, the colours may melt into a single colour.
  6. Pour the crayon mixtures into a well-oiled ice tray.
  7. Nudge the crayons out with the back of a spoon when cool.

Viola! Your old crayons have produced multi-colour designs.

Try different colour combinations. You could even make a boxful and gift it to a friend.

Day for others

Colours evoke differing moods and are associated with them. While blue is said to be one of the most popular colours, it is one of the least evocative, because blue food is rare. Food researchers say that people tend to avoid foodstuff coloured blue, black or purple fearing it may be spoiled or toxic.

Yellow is considered an optimistic color but it has been proved that people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms! Even little babies cry more in a yellow walled nursery!

The green room of a concert hall or theatre is where performers relax before going onstage as green is said to soothe the nerves!

Pink, the most romantic colour, is a tranquilizer. Sports teams sometimes paint locker rooms used by opposing teams pink so that their opponents would lose energy and feel soporific!

The Egyptian queen Cleopatra loved purple. To extract one ounce of Tyrian purple dye, she had her servants soak 20,000 Purpura snails for ten days!

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