Jobs in Education System

You can make your own multi-colour crayons using your old ones.
You will need:

Broken crayons

Ice-cube or muffin tray (look for ones with interesting shapes.)


A shallow pan

A smaller pan

How to do it:

1. Peel the paper from the crayons.

2. Place the larger shallow pan filled with water on a stove. Allow the water to boil. Get an adult to help while you are doing this.

3. In the smaller pan that will fit into the shallow one, put in your crayon pieces and a spoonful of glitter.

4. When the water begins to boil, float the smaller pan with the crayons and the glitter on the water. You will see that your crayon stubs begin to melt.

5. Once the crayons have melted, use a oven mitten and lift the little pan out of the water. Dont leave it for too long or stir the mixture. If you do, the colours may melt into a single colour.

6. Pour the crayon mixture into a well-oiled ice tray.

7. Nudge the crayons out with the back of a spoon when cool.

Viola! Your pretty crayons have produced multi-colour designs.

Try different colour combin-ations. You could even make a boxful and gift it to a friend.

– Anitha Bennett

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