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DPS Rajnagar: Nurturing the Leaders of Tomorrow

| Spotlight Feature
– Suchi Sharma, Principal, DPS Rajnagar (Ghaziabad) 

Education is not just about imparting knowledge but also about nurturing and empowering students to become responsible citizens of the world. This is the vision of Delhi Public School Rajnagar, a contemporary English medium school established in April 2011. Affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi and managed by the Delhi Public School Society, DPS Rajnagar is committed to providing a holistic education rooted in Indian culture and traditions, and driven by modern technology and understanding.

The school’s vision is to provide an environment that helps students to develop their innate talents and prepares them for “service before self.” This vision is reflected in the school’s commitment to creating a curriculum that is both value-based and of high quality, and that incorporates modern technology and understanding in equal measure. The motto of the school, “Service before Self,” reflects the school’s commitment to selflessly serving others and making a positive impact on the world.

What sets DPS Rajnagar apart from other schools is its commitment to the four core ethos of its academic and co-academic practices which are, equity in education, tailor-made support to each student, learning by association, and experiential learning. These ethos are reflected in the school’s policies and practices, which aim to provide every student with the support and resources they need to succeed. 

DPS Rajnagar believes in providing equitable education to all students to ensure that no child is left behind. This commitment is reflected in the school’s policies and practices, which aim to provide every student with the support and resources they need to succeed. The school provides tailor-made support to each student based on their individual competencies. It includes a range of skill-based programmes in both curricular and co-curricular practices.DPS Rajnagar Investiture

One of the unique features of education at DPS Rajnagar is its emphasis on associative learning. Associative learning is where a child learns by associating a particular stimulus with a particular response. This approach is complemented by experiential learning, where the educator acts as a facilitator and ensures that the learning course is flexible in terms of exploration and self-learning by the students. They thoroughly enjoy “Learning Under the Sky,” where some lessons are taught outside the classroom. Field trips that are relevant to the lessons are organised, and students find this exciting as they learn and remember what they observe.Dps rajnagar learning


Another unique practice is Project-Based Learning (PBL), an effective teaching approach that involves learning through the completion of real-world projects. PBL helps students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and self-management skills. The projects serve as a reflection of the students’ ability to apply concepts and skills learned in class to solve a real-world problem or challenge. DPS Rajnagar also uses a Performance Tracker to provide teachers with detailed and authentic information relating to a student’s academic performance. It enables teachers to project the next assessment and adopt a focused approach with each group of students to help them progress.

In addition to evaluating academic performance of students, DPS Rajnagar also offers innovative programmes such as “Sports Mechanics” that provide students with opportunities to apply classroom concepts to real-life situations, as reflected in their project work. It combines sports and academics. Concepts taught in academic subjects like Physics, Biology, and Mathematics are explained through sports activities, providing opportunities for students to transfer learning from one sub-discipline to another.

DPS Rajnagar Fit Youth

Similar to the “Sports Mechanics” programme that integrates sports and academics, DPS Rajnagar’s “Art Academia” programme focuses on learning various art forms with a scientific attitude by integrating art and academics. The programme appeals to the aesthetic sense of the learner and enables the child to comprehend, remember, and recall the supporting rules and principles of the subject effectively. The school also uses Score Rubrics for every subject to outline a transparent criterion for grading and ensure transparency in evaluation. This tool acquaints students with the existing evaluation system and teaches effective time management and self-evaluation skills.

DPS Rajnagar’s commitment to transparent and fair evaluation, as demonstrated through its use of Score Rubrics, extends to its approach to assessing students’ skills and competencies. The school’s Assessment of Pre-Requisite Skills (APS) equips teachers to assess the competencies of a child across various skills and Entry Level Readiness (ELR) helps to assess the prerequisite level of a child going to the next grade level. Students who are not at par with the current academic level of the class are given extra attention, enhancement classes, and one-on-one sessions to bring them at par as per their existing grade level.

Through a combination of personalised academic support and innovative programmes aimed at developing essential skills, DPS Rajnagar provides students with a comprehensive education. The school also has clubs that focus on 4c’s namely, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication, helping students develop these essential skills. The Meditative Writing programme is used to enhance concentration skills and better neuromuscular coordination for improved expression in writing form.

In conclusion, DPS Rajnagar’s commitment to equity in education combined with its innovative programmes and unique practices, make it an excellent institution for students seeking a holistic education. The school’s emphasis on values, culture, and tradition, combined with modern technology and understanding provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to serve society.

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