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Dr. S. Cletus Babu – Chairman, SCAD Group of Institutions, Tamil Nadu

EducationWorld July 17 | EducationWorld
Where would you place education on your national list of priorities? First. Education is the foundation block of national development.  How best to upgrade government schools? Create healthy and hygienic environments, provide regular faculty development programmes, establish schools in every locality, improve lab facilities to international standards, promote sports/NCC activities among students.  Thinker/philosopher you admire most. Swami Vivekananda — one of the greatest thinkers of the Indian renaissance.  Your favourite Nobel laureate. St. Mother Theresa.  Your leadership style. I believe in a combination of democratic, visionary and cross-cultural leadership. Your favourite book on education.  Learning Beyond the Classroom: Education for the Changing World by Tom Bentley. For or against the RTE Act’s 25 percent reservation for underprivileged children in private schools? The 25 percent reservation in private schools provision should be retained. But governments should reimburse schools the standard fee per pupil. Should the education outlay be doubled by cutting defence expenditure? Yes. Education is the backbone of the economy.  How satisfied are you with the growth and development of the SCAD Group of Institutions? The mission of SCAD is “to reach the unreached”. Today SCAD contributes to national development by educating more than 5 lakh underprivileged and rural students.  Pessimistic or optimistic about the future of education in India?  I am hopeful and optimistic that all sections of society will realise the value of education and cooperate to improve India’s education system. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp
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