Jobs in Education System

Edu system should be overhauled to churn out ideal students: VP

February 28, 2018

Expressing concern over growing involvement of school-going children in various crimes, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu proposed “overhauling” the education system and suggested to retrace “our roots”.
Addressing the silver jubilee convocation of Siva Sivani Institute of Management on Tuesday, the vice president said the education system from the school level to higher education should be completely overhauled to “ensure that the institutions churn out ideal citizens”.

“What is happening of late is a matter of grave concern for all of us. We are regularly coming across instances of juveniles committing crimes, even heinous ones at times. The time has come for us to go back to our roots,” said the vice president.

“The present-day formal education should make the students acquire new life skills, enable them to innovate and think out-of-the box to face a globalised and competitive world,” he was quoted as saying in an official release.

He said the study of Indian culture, civilisation and history is essential for the students to develop a proper understanding and perspective on our glorious past. “Our culture always taught us to respect women, elders, teachers, nature, and animals,” Naidu said.

He said education was a life-long process and does not end with the acquisition of a degree or post-graduation certificate. “The present-day formal education should make the students acquire new life skills, enable them to innovate and think out-of-the box to face a globalised and competitive world. The time spent by students in school should be divided equally between the classroom and play field,” he said.

Naidu also underlined the need for participation of students in sports and other extra-curricular activities, including gardening and crafts, which he said would help in development of students into “good socially-conscious citizens”.

He said like in the past, regular physical exercises, drills and lessons on moral science should become part of the syllabus in schools to ensure that children develop into complete human beings.

“The policy-makers, educationists, vice-chancellors and other stake-holders in the educational field should consider revamping the system. Rote method of learning should not be the basis to test students’ skills and knowledge,” he said.

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