Do you find yourself struggling to write a college essay? Well, its great that you landed on this page because here you are going to learn some proven techniques of writing a great college essay. Oxbridge Essays, the leader in essay writing services, has collected and presented these helpful guidelines for your benefit:
Indian students represent the second largest international student population in the US. According to the US Open Doors report, in the year 2013-2014, more than a hundred thousand Indian students were enrolled in US universities, indicating an increase of 6.1 percent over 2012.
India, the worlds second most populous country with approximately 1.2 billion people of which close to 50 percent are under the age of 25, is truly a ‘young nation. It is well recognised that she needs to focus on training her youth to reap the demographic dividends. This accords humongous opportunity for the education sector in the country.
During the early years of ones organisational life, it is but natural to assume that every problem can be fixed by an appropriately designed incentive plan.
The rapid growth in internet, mobile and cloud technologies in the past decade has touched every aspect of human life including learning and education. eLearning has been around for quite some time now and as its popularity continues to grow within the educational sector, its capabilities are also growing along with it. Computers are becoming increasingly essential as educational tools and technologies are becoming more portable and cost-effective. Another eLearning technique that is fast gaining popularity is mobile learning.
The coming decade will witness phenomenal change and disruption in the field of higher education. As academicians, while our focus has been intense on the quality and delivery aspects of education, I feel it is technology that will be the great disruptor of how we teach and measure the outcomes of that teaching. One clear area of evolution I see for schools will be a shift of focus from 'marks based' academic curriculum to 'life based' overall development. Institutions may talk a lot about it these days but do very little – however, this will change gradually but surely.
A cute, eye-catching miniature garden on your table could help your family enjoy the beauty of nature close up. A terrarium helps children understand science and get them interested in gardening. Its fun to create and easy to maintain.
My son behaves perfectly well at school and in the presence of others, but at home, he throws tantrums, talks rudely, and behaves badly. He bullies his little brother and screams while he sleeps. I want this situation to improve - D.K, New Delhi
Simply because play is the work of childhood. Play helps children learn better, retain learning and enjoy the process. Play teaches children to reason, use logic, plan, work with others, sometimes lead, sometimes follow, to win or lose and to shake hands and make up after a contest.
According to a recent report by networking solutions giant Cisco, the Internet user base in India is expected to more than double to 526 million by 2018. Companies such as Amazon, Zomato, Flipkart, Quikr, Facebook and Whatsapp are all gearing up to catch the eyeballs of these 526 million of which over 200 million are expected to be school and college students.
Continuous improvements and innovation in personal technology and growth of online communities have redefined what it means to be social, and consequently this is re-exploring what it means to teach and be taught. Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest push people to connect, share information, collaborate and develop relationships. However they can also give the means to wander without direction, discovering people and information that may not serve any value when it comes to learning.
With music being an inherent part of Indian culture, for those with passion and the talent it can translate into very comfortable bank accounts and high net worth. Whether your early induction into the sound of music is rooted in sa re ga ma pa, or do re me fa so, musical talent not only gives you a great high, it can translate into very comfortable bank accounts and high net worth. So if you have the passion and the talent, career in music could be just right for you!
Forget Facebook and Angry Birds. There is a whole lot of apps that can simplify everyday tasks, including parenting and learning. Whether your favourite gizmo is your mobile or iPad, you'll just love these five apps that can make parenting easier.
Between school, television and homework, my six-year-old just doesnt get enough outdoor activity. Im working and theres no one to pick and drop him to sports coaching classes. He spends free time on the internet. How do I ensure he gets enough physical activity? -- D.K., Mumbai
Schools are steadily introducing more and more activities to encourage digital and interactive learning. Here are some ways to enrich your child's education.
While you can try to keep the lines of communication open, it helps to prepare your child to handle cyber-bullying by herself. Here are a few safety tips you could ask your child to follow if she encounters problems.
Its hard for children to avoid junk food altogether unless they live in remote outbacks. Even as mothers struggle to serve healthy nutritious meals, there are some innocent-looking snacks which can be dangerous to their health and well-being if consumed in excess.
My son has no interest in science and maths, though Id love to see him become a professional engineer or a scientist. He likes to draw and sketch and is mad about music. How do I convince him that drawing and music can only be leisure pursuits? - F.R., Delhi
While scrambling to meet school bus timings, packing lunchboxes, and getting children ready for school, its not easy to make breakfast the most important meal of the day. Try these options to add power to your family's breakfast with minimal extra effort.
As anyone who has lined up all night in the cold for the latest Smartphone will tell you, keeping up with technology isnt easy, but with many HR departments considering more responsibility for resourcing, it is essential to stay abreast with the numerous recruiting channels, tools and technologies that have came forth in recent years.
A key purpose of schooling is to acclimatise children to the present environment and prepare them for the future. In that construct, education is evolving on the continuum of bridging the present to the future.
The present generation strongly believes that it is fair to be paid as per performance but also that there is no justification for non-performance. With an apparent drastic change in business and technology, the manner in which organizations manage their compensations has also metamorphosed. Now no longer can an employee relax on his office chair with a certainty of getting handsomely paid without delivering expected results. We live in a world which is information and technology driven therefore paper performance management and merit systems are of reduced significance, only clearly evident efforts which contribute to organizations growth can expect to be rewarded.
Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, a Rhodes Scholar, is the founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana (NCR of Delhi) “The university .....Read More
Kanishka Agarwal, Senior Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation Associate, Pratham Education Foundation and Muskan, Research Assoicate at ASER Centre, currently pursuing an MBA at MDI. Almost .....Read More