The Sarala Birla Academy, an English medium boys residential school (grade V-XII), is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi, for ICSE and the ISC, the Cambridge International Examinations for IGCSE and the IBO, Geneva for the IB Diploma Programme. Sprawling over 67 acres of lush greenery, it offers an excellent infrastructure and a committed faculty for all round, quality education that is holistic in every aspect. It is a place where the children rejoice their childhood, learn as they grow and find the whole process a fun filled, enjoyable experience that enables them to realize their maximum potential.
Dr. Maria Montessori, founder of ‘The Montessori Method, was the first woman physician to graduate from the University of Rome, and soon opened a child care centre for slum children. The Montessori Method is based on her below listed observations:
Mumbai based S P Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR) began the admission process for its two-year Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Batch of 2014-16 with effect from September 15, 2013. The application forms are available online and the application window will be open till November 18, 2013.
The Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad (MICA) invites applications for its coveted 2-year residential Post Graduate Diploma in Management - Communications (PGDM-C) Course.
Hiring good employees into your company is only half the battle won; keeping them there is the other half. Once you have hired good employees, you will need to put a little work into keeping them happy. Retention of best employees is very important for the long term health and success of your company's business. Many bosses or managers accept the fact that if the right employees are retained they ensure customer satisfaction, product sales, satisfied co-workers, effective succession planning and deeply embedded organisational knowledge and learning.
A healthy learning process is akin to building a brick wall — each brick counts. Its not just about what children learn, but also how they learn. A good process makes education enjoyable, and builds learning skills, which is the foundation for self-learning and education in the future.
My son is hooked into gadgets. Although he is only five, he spends a lot of time playing games on my tablet, or cellphone. Or, he wants to watch something on Youtube or on TV. Is this healthy? - R.V.
My daughter does not want to spend time with us anymore. Shes withdrawn and prefers the company of her friends. She behaves like a teenager when shes barely eleven. But there are other times when she wants me to sit and play with her Barbie dolls. Its quite confusing!” complains Chitra Desai, mother of Aditi (11).
For children, urban life is synonymous with sedentary habits, working parents and minimal outdoor play. Adopting a household pet is a good antidote and stress buster. Here is what pets can offer your child and family:
Server faileCustomers complain, file corrupted, boss is upset, leg pulling, feeling angry or frustration, reason can be any but it is true that everyone experiences a bad day at work sooner or later. At such times, it is understandable to be feeling a little negative about your workplace, and even your own abilities. Often it takes nothing more than a good night's sleep to put you back on track, and re-energise you for your next work day.
Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, a Rhodes Scholar, is the founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana (NCR of Delhi) “The university .....Read More
Kanishka Agarwal, Senior Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation Associate, Pratham Education Foundation and Muskan, Research Assoicate at ASER Centre, currently pursuing an MBA at MDI. Almost .....Read More