Businesses are now structured in a way that almost everyone has some level of decision making ability. Whether the decisions are big or small, they have a direct impact on how successful, efficient and effective individuals are on the job. Till now it was assumed that successful people are basically very smart and hard working. Studies have also found that there is some correlation between IQ and success. But on the other hand it is also true that some people with high IQ has failed in a job, while some with average intelligence have performed exceptionally well.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has— anthropologistMargaret Mead(1901-78)
Children love Facebook, YouTube, and gaming sites, among others websites that you may not even have heard about. But is your child safe in cyber space?
My six-year old son is hyperactive. He is restless and constantly gets into trouble at school. His teachers complain that he fiddles with objects and disturbs others. His behaviour is markedly better on days when he has had a lot of play/physical activity. Please advise -- M. P.
Artistic expression not only gives a child an opportunity for exhibiting creativity, but also boosts a child's confidence. Showcase your child's creativity; dedicate an entire wall to showcase your child's creative efforts.
Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, a Rhodes Scholar, is the founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana (NCR of Delhi) “The university .....Read More
Kanishka Agarwal, Senior Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation Associate, Pratham Education Foundation and Muskan, Research Assoicate at ASER Centre, currently pursuing an MBA at MDI. Almost .....Read More