Jobs in Education System


Parents Resources

Fritzee’s Fact File – 7

Magical water

Parents Resources

Do it now! – Home-made Squash

Want a refreshing pick-me-up for summer? Dont stock up fizzy drinks or tetrapacks. Make your own bottles of squash that you can use any time. Its healthier, and cheaper!

Parents Resources

Action Play

If you really want to start building a healthier lifestyle, here is some help to make an action plan. Try these fun ‘n easy ideas and you will soon start feeling energetic and active. Pick up pointers from the other EWKidzone pages and make your own action plan.

Parents Resources

Idea Box – Quiz Time

Organise a Health Quiz in your neighbourhood together with your friends.

Parents Resources

Teacher Talk – 1

The classroom is a great place to build soft skills. Every class contains students with different skills, personalities and qualitites. Bringing out the best in each person is a challenge for the teacher.

Parents Resources

Fritzee’s Fact File – 6

In education and business, life skills are a great asset, and are valued highly. Here is a list of some of them.

Parents Resources

Do it now! – Magic Box

This is a game that will help you think of multiple ways to solve problems and get ideas from others to solve yours!

Parents Resources

Idea Box- Your Home Show

Set up your own ‘Home Theatre where you and your friends can stage a show.

Parents Resources

Puzzle Box – 5

Sapna is trying to make a banner but seems to have gotten all her letters mixed up. Can you help her set them right in the new banner below?

Parents Resources

Fritzee’s Fact File – 5

Summer is here and if lying on the beach in sizzling heat is not your idea of a vacation, consider visiting some of Indias tallest waterfalls!

Parents Resources

Do it now! – Birdie Buddies

Want to make your home nature-friendly? Try making these birdie accessories and attract feathered friends! Site them in your balcony or your garden.

Parents Resources

Short Story – The Arjun Tree

Meera was a bubbly ten-year old who loved to spend her summers climbing trees looking for birds nests and trying to befriend squirrels. Her favourite tree was the Arjun tree at the corner of her street.

Parents Resources

Idea Box – Nuts Over Nature

Do you notice different bird species in your neighbour-hood? If so, do you know their names or their birdcalls?

Parents Resources

Idea Box – Movie Mania

Are you a film buff? Heres some advice about choosing suitable movies to enjoy them better.

Parents Resources

Do it now- Make an impact!

Do you feel strongly about a cause or idea? Do you want to make others sit up and take notice of it? If so, dont keep quiet. Take the lead and do what you can to publicise the cause. If you are wondering how to go about it, here are three surefire ideas to help you catch the attention of folks and get your message across. Gather your friends to support you and have fun creating awareness!

Parents Resources

Short Story – Finding a way

A little green eye opened, and a furry paw stretched. Rohan was staring delightedly at the kitten that had just woken up and was blinking at him. Just then, Devleena and Arnav came running in, each holding a kitten in their arms. Rohan and his friends had rescued the kittens from some street urchins who were pulling their tails and teasing them. The kittens had been very frightened at first but with loving care, had gradually become content and playful.

Parents Resources

Idea Box

If theres something you always dreamt of doing, this is the time to start! Taking the initiative and working on your dreams can help you do something special. It could be a skill you want to learn, a cause you want to spread awareness about, or a way to help others. Start a project close to your heart. Heres how you can get it going.

Students Resources

Admissions open at National Hill View Public School for Play Group

National Hill View Public School

Parents Resources

Fritzee’s Fact File – 4

When you hear about successful businesses, do you wonder how they succeeded? Many businesses begin with simple people with big dreams, and loads of energy and enthusiasm.

Parents Resources

Teacher Talk

Heres how you can make your class cheerful. You can get all your students to become involved in making your class great.

Parents Resources

Do it now! – Wind Chimes

Make your own wind-chimes to create some gentle music and remind you to celebrate each day.

Parents Resources

Idea Box – A Theme Journal

Pick up an attractive notebook or diary, and get set to create a different type of journal that will help you do something new every day.

Parents Resources

Idea Box – Take a fun break

Breaks are just what you need to cut the monotony of those long study hours!

Parents Resources

Puzzle Box – 4

What is your age?

Parents Resources

Do it now! – The Secret Code

Does the M word give you the jitters? Were talking about maths, what else! Most of us experience fear and frustration hen working with numbers. Be it the simple division or the slightly more complicated world of algebra – its hard to think of fun when doing sums! But there are many new and creative ways to learn mathematical concepts and have fun learning them. Here is one game that you may enjoy.

Parents Resources

Short Story – The Number Mix-up

Meena maam never went wrong with her numbers. Everybody knew that. So what was happening this morning?

Students Resources

Admissions open for Journalism at Times School of Journalism

Ready for a career in Journalism?

Parents Resources

Puzzle Box – 3

Moms ‘n Dads

Parents Resources

Fritzee’s Fact File – 3

La Tomatina is a food fight festival held in Valencia, Spain.

Parents Resources

Do it now! – Choco-nut Log Stack

Want to surprise your family with a scrumptious dessert? Heres a simple lipsmacking Choco-nut Log Stack you can make.

Parents Resources

Short Story – Beating the Bully

Hey, freak!”

Parents Resources

Idea Box – Fun and Food

Does the thought of a Food Club make your mouth water? You can easily start one in your neighborhood or apartment! Here are some cool ideas you can use:

Parents Resources

Puzzle Box – 2

Javed got a pack of ten pencils for his sister. He took one for himself and made it look different so that he would know which was his. Can you identify which one is his?

Parents Resources

Activity Spot

Draw this rocket by putting together some geometric shapes as shown.

Students Resources

Admission open for PG & UG courses at G D Goenka World Institute and Lancaster University, UK

G D Goenka World Institute and Lancaster University, UKSohna, Delhi (NCR)

Students Resources

Admission Announcement in Jindal Institute of Power Technology

Admission announcement 2013-14

Parents Resources

Idea Box: Fun with Numbers

Numbers are so intriguing! You can do so much with them. Whether you love math or find the subject intimidating, here are some cool ways to hone your skills and have fun with numbers. 

Parents Resources

Do it now! – A Pocket Pinwheel

Do equations scare you? Are your tables jumbled up all the time? What about those complicated formulae? For all the lessons that confuse you, heres a smart pocket pinwheel reminder that you can make in a jiffy to enable you to tackle those forgettables”!

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