Recently Prakash had started hearing a lot about a ‘board exam. Whats that? he wondered, Was it a ‘bored exam where children and teachers yawned all the time? Or was it a test with questions on blackboards?
How about a brimming cup of popcorn to go with your movie? Sounds just good? Grab a pack of the buttered corn and pop it in a microwave oven. When the corns popping, get your ‘cornucopia out to fill. Heres how you can make a popcorn holder.
You may remember watching wide-eyed as cowboy Woody and space-ranger Buzz Lightyear fell into the hands of toy-hating Sid Phillips in Toy Story. Or maybe many of you were super-excited when Marlin reunited with his son Nemo in the funny movie, Finding Nemo. These films, known as animation movies, have a long history going back to the 1890s!
Life without the electric bulb? We cannot imagine it! Thanks to Thomas Alva Edison, who made this important discovery, we are able to flip a switch to light up a room. But it was not a cakewalk for Edison when he was a little boy.
Bored of the same old party decorations? How about making something magical and different for the birthday table? All you need are a couple of ingredients from the kitchen.
Class VI was full of transparent jars. Mrs. Rao, the Science teacher, had urged the class to collect butterfly eggs and watch them turn into caterpillars, pupas and then butterflies.
Heres a group game you can play anywhere — all you need are a few newspapers and some colours. Each person can use a crayon or paintbrush to circle seven words in a newspaper using three different colours — red, blue and green.
Words are fascinating, right from the time we call out Ma” and discover the magic of words. Here are some fun activities that you can try out with your friends!
Is your cupboard crammed with balls of all shapes and sizes? Are different types of nets piled up in corners of the house? Do you use your dining table for table tennis?
Everybody these days knows that learning is a lifelong process. But how about parents helping children learn differently? Learning together can give you both deeper insights and a rich bonding experience. With many calls on your time, especially time with your child, it makes good sense to attempt learning together. Here are some things you can try.
Internet safety is a major concern of parents as they constantly strive to counterbalance their children's freedom of internet use with adequate oversight. We would specially like to underscore the importance of having frank and open discussions with children to make them aware of potential issues and dangers. For children below age ten, adult supervision and guidance have no real substitute especially with respect to activities that require higher order thinking skills such as internet search.
When confronted with a child's fears, we often deal with them cursorily and push them out of our minds. But it is useful to remember that your child's fears are very real and she lives with them day in and day out. Therefore it's important to spend time, thought and discussion to put them to rest.
Looking for family weekend ideas that both you and your children will enjoy? Your children may not share your enthusiasm for Scrabble, but they will definitely enjoy a good children's movie.
I am trying to steer my son in the right career direction. Hes in class VIII and I want him to have a good grounding when he gets out of college. What do you suggest I do in terms of guiding him towards a career choice? - RK
Tired of repeatedly asking your child to finish her studies? Here are some visual learning methods to make concepts relevant, helping your child understand them by piecing them together. It will make learning more enjoyable and meaningful. Most children can remember mental and visual images easily.
Fortunately, science is not just about high marks and entrance exams. Though the subject is associated with toppers, medicine and engineering, its breadth is so wide that most children are enthralled by it. If your child gets hooked to the magic of science, she could be studying marine life in the Maldives, doing research to discover new drugs, testing rockets and satellites, putting together a supercomputer, among a host of other exciting things.
I still remember the first few months when I first arrived in the UK from Poland back in 2004. I constantly calculated the prices of everything and compared them with prices back at home. Everything seemed to cost more and I felt like my babysitter salary could not stretch far enough for me to do all the things I wanted to do.
Online applications are invited from Prospective applicants for M.Tech / M.Plan admission to twenty tow NITs, tow IIITs, and several other Centrally Funded technical Institutions. Applications can (i) download information brochure, (ii) fill online application and fill choices of programmes for all the participating institutions through the online portal of CCMT-2013
The following Programmes will be offered during 2013-2014 at Hyderabad, Lucknow and Shilong Campuses. Entrance tests for admission wil be held at various centres across the country.
Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, a Rhodes Scholar, is the founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana (NCR of Delhi) “The university .....Read More
Kanishka Agarwal, Senior Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation Associate, Pratham Education Foundation and Muskan, Research Assoicate at ASER Centre, currently pursuing an MBA at MDI. Almost .....Read More