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Parents Resources

Plan a birthday party that stands out

Bored with humdrum birthday parties? Do something different, and give your childs friends a surprise, while giving them something to think about. Here's how to plan a birthday party that stands out:

Parents Resources

Nurturing your child’s creativity

My son is very creative but I feel his school curbs his creativity. For example, in the art class, he loves experimenting with colours. But his teacher insists on his following textbook prescribed colours.

Parents Resources

Transforming television time

Urban kids (aged 6-17) are spending an average of five hours watching television a day, according to a 2010 survey by ASSOCHAM (Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry in India) which covered major Indian cities. 52 percent of children surveyed had a television in their own rooms.

Parents Resources

Eating right during exams

When exams are around the corner, children are usually equipped with study plans, formulae lists, memory charts and new stationery. But one important aspect is often neglected. At this crucial time, it isnt enough to say that children need to eat well. Knowing what diet will help your child during exams is an important duty of parents.

Parents Resources

Dealing with exam aversion

Exams are approaching and I have a feeling my 13-year-old son is beginning to hate school. My friends son rebelled and totally refused to go to school at 15. I'm afraid my son might also do something like that if he begins hating school.

Parents Resources

Conquering mealtime and bedtime battles

Do you have mealtime and bedtime battles every day? Here are a few things to think about:

Parents Resources

The mom with limitless books

Minu Sarin was a Mom who loved books. And both her kids — Veena (6) and Ashutosh (10) — loved them too.

Parents Resources

Parenting-striking the right balance

If you have been attending ‘What kind of parent are you?' quizzes, you are like most parents who are not sure if they are doing right by their children. Parenting can sometimes be such a difficult balancing act that you dont seem to know whether you are doing it right.

Parents Resources

Eating right for schooldays

My son is tired by the time he reaches home from school though he eats a good lunch. He gets home at 4 p.m in the school bus. As a result, he is in a bad mood for one-two hours after coming home, and I am sure lack of food is the main reason. How can I get him to eat more?

Parents Resources

Five superfoods to give your child every day

Proper nutrition and diet is integral to children's proper growth. Here are five superfoods to give your child every day.

Students Resources

Preparing to study abroad

Studying abroad is a big bucks business. With no government or societal pressure to keep a lid on tuition and other fees payable by foreign students, institutional managements abroad have a few qualms about decreeing inflation-adjusted fees for overseas students who are increasingly being regarded as cash cows. Therefore it is vitally important for students opting to study abroad to make the most of their investment in superior offshore education.

Students Resources

Work-study rules abroad

Its common advice which most students who are emplaning to study abroad get – dont rely on campus jobs for paying your tuition fees. Though almost all countries – US, Britain, Canada and Australia – allow students to work part-time during their study period and full-time during vacations on-campus or off-campus jobs are few and far between. And usually Indian students end up not with cushy desk jobs with lower-rung employment in college, cafeterias or assisting in laboratories.

Students Resources

Top 10 stress busters during exams

With exams comes stress. It is natural. The pressure of performance, uncertainty about future and unlimited expectations weigh heavy on students minds. However, stress does no good to improve your performance, it only harms it. So, it is important to beat the stress and appear for your exams in a relaxed and confident mode. Here are the top ten effective and tested tips recommended by experts that are more often than not quite useful in keeping the stress at bay. So, try these stress-busters and be ready to face your exams in the right spirit.

Students Resources

Aircraft maintenance engineering

Q: What are the job prospects for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and what are the qualifications needed for the course?

Students Resources

Commercial pilot

Q: What is the procedure to become a commercial pilot? Qualifications and eligibility?

Students Resources

Actuary in insurance sector

Q: What are the qualifications needed to be an Actuary or valuer in the insurance company? Please suggest details of institutions offering this study programme?

Students Resources


Q: Which are the best colleges in India for studying Architecture? What are the career opportunities for a B. Arch graduate?

Students Resources

Forensic science

Q: Which are the institutes that offer study programs to qualify as a forensic scientist for B.Pharm graduates?

Students Resources

Marine Engineering

Q: Institutes that offers a study program in marine engineering?

Students Resources

Art of career planning

Career planning is an exercise that is well worth the time invested in it because it sets you going on the path that leads to where you would like to go. This exercise provides you with a lot of clarity regarding your career objectives as well and it best done before you embark on your job search.

Teachers Resources

Attributes of 21st century teachers

The IT (information technology) and internet communications revolutions of the past two decades have transformed teaching-learning norms and systems around the world — particularly in post-industrial societies of the first world — beyond recognition. With the introduction of ICT (instructional communication technologies) into classrooms of progressive schools worldwide, it is now possible to supplement and enrich chalk-n-talk and textbook teaching with live multi-media presentations on smart boards, to facilitate deeper understanding of curricular concepts and subjects. Moreover, the internet revolution has created a vast universal digital library accessible to all, enabling students to reach the worlds best teachers with the click of a mouse.

Teachers Resources

Developing essay writing skills

For all students, particularly those on the threshold of completing their secondary and higher secondary board examinations, writing an engaging English language essay is a vital pre-condition of examination success. The ability to write good essays is also very important for students who wish to do well at university. Therefore its important for teachers preparing students to do well in milestone examinations — and indeed in life beyond academic institutions — to help them develop their essay writing skills.

Teachers Resources

Enabling learning by discovery

Chalk-n-talk and one-way conversation is still the dominant pedagogy in India's classrooms. Why is it that none of the other faculties are brought in to play in the classroom? How many of the senses are aroused to aid students understanding of the lesson being presented? Invariably some set pedagogy is imposed on students. Can teachers not guide learners to ‘discover' the pedagogy most agreeable to them to make learning a truly exhilarating process?

Teachers Resources

Growing importance of school counsellors

Today's youth are living in the most exciting time of human history, within increasingly diverse communities and cultures, newer and fast-evolving technologies and ever expanding horizons. Against this backdrop, the challenge confronting school managements is to ensure that their students evolve into sensitive, responsible citizens of the new world. Therefore, it is vital for schools to establish a robust team of counsellors and teachers who can empathise with the young, and successfully provide guidance and support to students regardless of age and grades.

Teachers Resources

Indigenous career counseling basics

Career counseling is gaining increasing importance in India today, as families and education institutions search for methods and systems to help young people make career choices suited to their aptitude and potential.

Teachers Resources

Institutional quality circles basics

One of the great questions which confronts governments, school managements and educationists around the world, is how can schools transform themselves to unlock the potential of every student and teacher? How can government efforts to improve learning outcomes be combined with their obligation to put citizenship on the curriculum, promote healthy schools and place positive behaviour high on their agendas?

Teachers Resources

Lessons from the life of Michael Jackson RIP

There must be few people in the world who didnt feel a sense of loss on June 25 when pop icon Michael Jackson (1958-2009) died. Emotions ranged from great sadness to anger about a ‘life less lived and wasted talent. I dont want to focus on the controversy that surrounded his life and death, but to derive some learning from what fractured and tortured his soul and led to a life fraught with insecurity and unhappiness in spite of all his acclaimed success.

Teachers Resources

Bringing nature into the classroom

Within India's 5 million-strong school teachers community, there is an urgent need to acknowledge Mother Nature as the greatest teacher and to learn from her example. She speaks not a word in any human language, and yet everything in nature inspires humanity to seek and learn, engendering awe, mystery, and an enthusiasm for uncovering the truth behind her workings, her creations, her cycles and her balance. As such, she is the primal teacher archetype of inspirational teaching and the root of all scientific enquiry. Hence, science has been defined as "mankind's attempt to understand nature”. The great scientist Albert Einstein expressed it more dramatically stating, "We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us". 

Teachers Resources

Promote global citizenship values

The recent attacks on Indian students in Australia have evoked shock and dismay within all sections of the populace in India, and the academic community in particular. The emergence of this phenomenon calls for serious debate to analyse its causes and effects and evolve policies and strategies for creating safe and secure environments for Indian students driven to study abroad by a debilitating domestic higher education system.

Teachers Resources

Teaching English as a second language

Is English India's first or second language? For a minority of Indians who have had the good fortune to be educated in the countrys 11,000-plus elite CISCE and CBSE English medium schools it is, clearly, the first language. For the rest of the population, including children who attend state board affiliated vernacular and so-called English medium schools, the status of English is ambiguous. I say ‘so-called, because most of these schools are only nominally English medium institutions. Their lingua franca is the local language, or the mother tongue.

Teachers Resources

Sex education: Unwarrantedly taboo subject

Sensational reports highlighting widespread sexual abuse of children by teachers, care givers, care providers and neighbours which have been appearing in the media with increasing frequency of late, suggest that children are becoming increasingly vulnerable in Indian society, which is experiencing rapid structural changes in demography and economy. The pressures of urbanisation, accelerated rural-urban migration of families in search of work and livelihood, changing societal mores and traditions, altering lifestyles are some of the factors which have cumulatively impacted behavioural norms in Indian society, leading to the rising incidence of crimes against children.

Teachers Resources

Waiting out the recession

The financial crisis that originated in the bursting of the sub-prime housing loan bubble in the US last year, has now blown into a worldwide phenomenon of epic proportions. With the economic slowdown having bruised and battered the banking and finance sector and IT companies previously regarded as rock solid, campus recruitments have slowed to a halt with key industry players opting out of on-the-spot hiring exercises.

Teachers Resources

Declining value of foreign MBAs

Despite India boasting over a thousand B-schools, some of whom are rated and ranked among the best in the world, most graduates who aspire to corporate careers yearn to do an MBA abroad, especially in the US, UK or Australia. Well aware of this national aspiration, many foreign B-schools have established offices in India and stage pricey promotional programmes in five-star hotels to ‘sensitise youth about the great globally cherished MBAs they offer.

Teachers Resources

Encouraging multiple intelligences

Farah, the schools star athlete was devastated. This class VIII student had been assessed a below-average performer and placed on academic probation. She had been barred from sports and directed to dedicate all her time to the pursuit of academic excellence. She felt inadequate for failing to measure up to her schools perception of intelligence.

Teachers Resources

Grave human rights violation

Dr. Mithu Alur (founder chairperson of the National Resource Centre for Inclusion, Mumbai)

Teachers Resources

Innovating for real teaching-learning

Vaidya Nathan, Chennai-based founder-CEO of Classle Knowledge, an education empowerment enterprise

Teachers Resources

Mending engineering education

- Amit Bansal is founder-director of PurpleLeap, a Bangalore-based training company

Teachers Resources

Paradigm shift in classroom interaction

Somewhat belatedly but fortunately, the past decade has witnessed a radical shift in the way teaching is managed in classrooms around the world. The focus of the classroom has now become the student rather than the teacher.

Teachers Resources

Social media and learning outcomes

The new ‘information age is characterised by our ability to transfer knowledge and information freely.All of us have been touched in some form or the other by the power of the internet.From the mundane, in the form of booking railway tickets, to the truly exotic, by way of purchasing commodities on the internet, we have witnessed the ease with which the internet has pervaded our lives. The tools of information and communication technology (ICT) such as computers, networking cables, satellites are all significant drivers of the emerging global economy.

Teachers Resources

Support community colleges growth

The Indian economy has changed significantly in the past decade resulting in corresponding change in the nature of work and demand for skills. While more than half of Indias GDP is contributed by services, more than two-third of the population is still employed — or more accurately under-employed — in the agricultural sector.

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