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Parents Resources

5 tips to keep kids engaged with home schooling: UNICEF

The global outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has put forth several challenges for parents. They are juggling between work, household chores, childcare and online learning. In view of the rising stress for parents, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has shared some tips to help manage children's education while at home. 

Parents Resources Resources

How crèches in offices can help accelerate women’s career growth

- Prajodh Rajan, co-founder and group CEO, EuroKids.

Parents Resources

Some useful tips for home schooling

Many people are familiar with the acronym WFH (Work From Home); however, not as many are familiar with a similar acronym - SFH (School From Home).

Parents Resources

Coronavirus is teaching the world so many things, washing hands, fragility..

I remember, when I was preparing for my New York bar exam, I enrolled for an exam preparation course called BARBRI. After I got the course books, I had to go to a learning center, where every morning instead of a real professor walking in to the classroom to teach me, a video would be switched on. An instructor would come on the TV screen and for over 2 hours would instruct us on some nitty-gritty of NY state law. As the course wasn't interactive, the lectures were simple, precise and foolproof. Once every couple of weeks, a living being would walk in to clear doubts. I did pass the exam and never really missed the physical presence of a professor instructing me on the course curriculum.

Parents Resources

Tips to help your child succeed in primary school

Is your child struggling in his/her studies? Are you afraid that she isn’t motivated enough to make the needed effort? Well, it is common for primary school kids to struggle with learning, social, and emotional problems, so you don’t have to be too worried for now. If you want to help them to live up to their full potential, you really need to identify the obstacles that could be getting in their way.

Parents Resources

Importance of early education in developing leaders

- Allan Andersen, Director of Chaman Bhartiya School

Parents Resources

Experiential learning is better than giving toys to children

According to a study by Oxford University, the academic success of 3 to 5-year-old kids depends more on their home environment and parental involvement rather than toys given to them. In the research, involving 3000 children of 3 to 5 age groups, kids who had few toys, and had spent more time with their parents performed better in school. They also scored better in areas of emotional and social development. Parents' attention proved to be of more importance than toy money can buy. 

Parents Resources

Children are taking action with the Enhanced Primary Years Programme

No matter what stage of education your child is at, ensuring they get the most out of their school years, whilst enjoying their learning experience, is always a priority. Parents with children entering primary education will be considering the best educational pathway to offer children a good educational grounding.  As a child’s first introduction to formal education, primary years education can set a child up for not only academic success at school, but life beyond. 

Parents Resources

Kalki Koechlin on pregnancy: Will encourage a gender-neutral atmosphere

Kalki Koechlin is a name that bears resemblance to shattering stereotypes. Right from choosing unconventional scripts at the very beginning of her career to bearing a child out of wedlock at the age of 35, the National Film Award winner does life her way. An inspiration for many, Koechlin spoke to ParentsWorld on pregnancy and upcoming motherhood plans as she sets goals for other women.

Parents Resources

Tips for new-age parents to ensure their children’s safety

On November 7, the world celebrated infant protection day— a day dedicated to raising awareness about the safety of infants and taking their proper care. However, with the world-changing rapidly, the challenges faced are different from those faced just a decade back. In an interview with Dr. Atish Laddad, founder and director of Mumbai-based Docterz, with over 10 years of experience as a practicing pediatrician, EducationWorld aims to decode some of the challenges parents, especially, first-timers face while raising their infants and toddlers and suggestions to deal with them.

Parents Resources

Gender-neutral parenting: The good and bad of it

Gender-neutral parenting doesn't refer to making boys more feminine and girls more masculine. The point is to raise children free of gender roles and allow them to choose who they want to be. Every individual is born with some inherent male and female traits but one follows whichever is more prominent in them. 

Parents Resources Resources

Shah Rukh Khan on parenting

"Our children are not our responsibility. They are a measure of our capabilities" - that is the King of Bollywood believes when it comes to parenting. A disciplinarian but also one of the coolest dads in town, Shah Rukh Khan maybe a superstar but like any other parent, his kids are his priority. 

Parents Resources

Attachment parenting and its psychological benefits

Attachment, for a baby, means security and love. In attachment parenting we trust the messages that our babies give us, and attend to their needs until they are settled. - Dr. Sarah J Buckley

Parents Resources

How to keep your child safe both online and offline?

Why should children be bothered about their own safety? Aren’t adults supposed to play that role and keep children safe. 

Parents Resources Resources

Codependent Parenting: Identifying the problem is imperative

What is codependent parenting?

Parents Resources

Superfoods for your super kids

What are superfoods?

Parents Resources

Working mom: Striking the right balance

Being a working mom can be really exhausting with focusing on office work, taking care of children, cooking and yet making your life look Instagram-worthy. Although it may seem as an impossible 24x7 task, most Indian mothers are used to it. Getting help from another person is the best way to tackle such issues. Don't shy away from asking for help from your husband, if they are not already helping. This can actually help in easing the daily chores. Some parents do not the like taking help from babysitters, in such cases they can ask for their own parents. 

Parents Resources Resources

Kitchen safety rules all parents should know

Young children tend to find the kitchen a compelling place and why not? Their parents are there most of the time, there are refrigerators packed with food, colourful cutlery, cupboards and what not. Some children also have a knack for cooking and like to see their parents cook. Most children find the kitchen an interesting place and may like to participate but as a parent, it's your duty to keep them safe and to set some rules for them. 

Parents Resources Resources

Does plugging into social media, unplug kids from the world?

Social media usage in current times has become equivalent to the air that we breathe in, it’s existence can neither be denied nor overlooked. For today’s Generation Z (10 to 18 years old) social media consumption has nothing but become a day-to-day habit, if not a requirement. It would not be wrong to say that every single morning we open our eyes to social media updates from our friends and family or even those whom we otherwise might not know.

Parents Resources

Apps can make math fun to learn

The boost in the technology sector in the 21st century has definitely ushered in a lot of change, even in the education industry. From smart boards to fun apps, the education has become easier than ever. But the question is how far are the ed-tech based startups helping a child prepare for a lucrative career? How are mathematics based apps making learning the so-called 'difficult subject' fun and easy? 

Parents Resources

Adoption in India: Here’s what you need to know

"Giving birth does not make her a mother. Placing a child for adoption does not make her less of one." Although the reasons behind adoption can vary from parent to parent, it is often about how one can change the life of an adopted child for his/her betterment.

Parents Resources

Benefits of homeschooling children

Homeschooling or home education is considered to be one of the best ways to educate children in modern times. Though homeschooling can be stressful, it can be quite rewarding too given its umpteen perks. In the United States, there are about 1.7 million homeschooled students. India is also catching up, with many parents now opting for homeschooling especially in the urban areas. However, parents must be prepared to make that extra commitment and become an effective teacher, failing which, homeschooling is a bad idea. 

Parents Resources

Sibling fights: How parents can handle them

Sibling fights is a common sight in many families. It can be quite disturbing for parents to watch their kids pick on each other for trivial issues. Conflicts spoil peace and resolving them is stressful for everyone. Many parents are in a fix as to what to do when kids are at each other’s throats and the living room looks more like a venue for a wrestling match. The best way to tackle the situation is to maintain a cool demeanor and take measures to promote peace at home and help siblings get along.

Parents Resources

Pep up those lunch boxes!

The new academic year has already begun. Children are excited to go to school and meet their friends and teachers. Among the many agendas, mothers are worried about how to make the lunch box interesting and visually appealing to those discerning eyes. There are many creative ways to pack your children’s lunch box. Garnish the food with natural colours while packing in enough nutrition. Prepare the meals fresh so that it can provide health benefits to your children. This year, make sure your child's lunch goes straight into their stomachs and not into the trash bins.

Parents Resources

Disciplining the tweens

Children between the age group of nine to 12 years also called the tweens, desire to be like the teenagers. In the process, they exhibit negative behaviors such as arguing, yelling, lying, bunking school, and secret outing with friends. At this stage, you cannot employ the discipline strategies that you used when they were little kids. In many parts of the world, tweens think it is a cool behavior to indulge in alcohol and smoking without the knowledge of the parents. Therefore, not disciplining the tweens can lead to dangerous consequences. Parents should employ age appropriate discipline strategy to prevent their children from committing serious mistakes and can impart life lessons.

Parents Resources

The rising trend of old age homes

Reverence for one's parents is deeply embedded in Indian families. Children deem it their moral duty to look after their aged parents and elders. In the last few decades, our society has undergone massive transformation in terms of family structure. As a consequence of the social transformation and evolving lifestyles, many of the older parents are landing in old age homes. The mushrooming of nuclear families especially in urban India, has led to steadily increasing number of old age homes.

Parents Resources

Parental favouritism: harmful effects on children

Children instinctively depend on their parents for love, care and support. Kids get motivated when parents encourage them and get demotivated when they fail to do so. Many a times, parents give undue attention to the younger child while not giving enough attention to the older ones. In mixed families, parents favour their biological children over the step-children while in patriarchal societies, parents display extreme affection for the male child. 

Parents Resources

Parenting multiples: twins and triplets

Parenting is one of the most beautiful and enriching experiences of one's life. However, raising more than one child at the same - time be it twins or triplets - can become quite demanding. While multiples are a bundle of joy, caring for them could become quite hectic. It could involve months of sleepless nights, changing diapers and feeding and therefore, an exhausting phase for the parents.

Parents Resources

Watch out for summer rashes in kids

It's summer time, the kids are all out soaking in the heat and indulging in play and outdoor activities. Parents must be extremely cautious during the summers because the soaring temperatures can cause the kids prickly heat rashes. Usually, excessive perspiration blocks the sweat gland ducts and it gets trapped underneath the skin. This results in irritation, redness and the sometimes even itchy heat rashes. Besides the heat rashes, children can succumb to other skin eruptions as well. We bring to you the various kinds of summer rashes in kids and what measures should be taken pre or post a rash.

Parents Resources

Five ways to make your family stay healthy

Eating healthy at all stages of life is always beneficial be it a kid, teen or an adult. An Indian meal is incomplete without signature-lip smacking dishes, mouth-watering snacks and a wide variety of sweets. People tend to find various reasons to indulge in sweets - be it a get-together, festivals, parties, dine-outs or social gatherings. This leads to overeating, adding on empty calories and consumption of unhealthy foods. It often seems difficult to maintain a healthy eating regime in the family. According to Navneet Singh, VP and head of Southeast Asia region PureCircle, you can follow the following simple tips to ensure your family stays healthy year round.

Parents Resources

Step-parenting: Expert advice

"A step-family is a fundamentally different structure and it makes a different foundation for relationships than a first-time family," says psychologist Patricia Papernow, Ed.D, a member of the National Stepfamily Resource Centre’s expert council and author of Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn't. But here’s a quick question. Do you believe that a stepfamily is a chance at love and growing into new families or on the contrary, do you believe that step-families are only filled with confusion, bitterness and difficulties in adaptation? The concept of a step-family is as complex as the psychological one. But the most affected in this process are the children, who largely suffer through divorces and re-marriage situations. Children are predominantly at risk if there is a conflict between the biological parents, if the divorce condition is very long-winded resulting in loss of important relationships that can hinder a child’s psychological development.

Parents Resources Resources EW Magazine

Traveling with kids? Useful tips for parents 

Traveling can be fun and hectic at the same time, especially if children are going along. Many a time, parents are so worried about what should or should not be packed. In confusion, parents end up packing everything that the child insists upon carrying, including the soft toys placed on their beds. So what are the do's and don’ts. What should be the checklist? In order to make the trip safe and fun for children and parents, we bring to you some useful tips for parents while traveling with their kids.

Parents Resources

Advantages of IB curriculum for the 21st century learner

It goes without saying that education plays a vital role in shaping the life of an individual. In a rapidly evolving world, children and youth need to be equipped with the skills set needed to thrive in a steadily transforming workplace and job market. This calls for an educational framework that not only provides the students the required content knowledge but also equips them with 21st century skills and global competence.

Parents Resources Resources

How parents can bring up gentle boys in a violent world

The increasing incidences of violent behavior especially among male children has been a matter of grave concern lately. It is generally said girls are soft and mature in their nature while for boys aggression comes easily. In many households in India, till date parents take pride in their sons’ aggressive behavior at home. The role of parenting in helping male children develop into positive and sensitive individuals cannot be overstated. So we've rounded up some parenting tips for raising a non-violent male child.

Parents Resources

Help your child flourish through Positive Psychology

The conventional view of psychology is that it looks to understand people’s mental makeup to determine what is wrong with them and to use therapy to help cure them. We believe that its benefits are only applicable to the small percentage of our population which suffers from mental illness and has no value for “normal” people. It may surprise you to know that a recently developed branch of this discipline, Positive Psychology, can bring immense benefits to almost anyone, writes Akhil Shahani, managing director, The Shahani Group.

Parents Resources

Parents need to give up these bad habits

Let's admit it. No matter how old we are, we all have some bad habits giving up which could benefit ourselves and our families immensely. Especially because as parents, we are the first role models for our children. Kids observe and mimic most of their parents’ actions and pick behaviours from them. So it is important for parents to inculcate good values in their children and ensure a healthy upbringing by setting an example themselves. Here are ten habits caring parents should consider giving up.

Parents Resources

How fathers can raise happy and successful daughters

A positive dad-daughter relationship is very important in a girl’s life. This relationship has a huge impact on her life, and can help her to become a successful and confident human being. A father's influence in the daughter's life shapes her self-esteem, opinions and decisions. A daughter carries the memories of the first man in her life all through her life and her moments shared with her dad will always be very much precious.  Hence we bring for all the dads out there ten tips that can help them to raise happy and successful daughters.

Parents Resources

Great Expectations: How much is too much?

Caught between the eternal dilemma of being the hyperkinetic hare or the tenaciously clever tortoise the new-age child is forever posing questions on Quora in a plaintive cry, "How do I meet my parents expectations"?

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