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Parents Resources

How do I help my child become more sociable?

My ten-year-old son always sticks to his 12-year-old sister or plays at home. How do I encourage him to make new friends at birthday parties or play with children in the neighbourhood? I worry about his ability to form relationships as he likes to interact only with family members. - Raihanna Fathima, Chennai

Parents Resources

Learning difficulties and sensory processing disorders

- Mahek Uttamchandani, paediatric occupational therapist, Stepping Stones, Mumbai

Parents Resources

Promote healthy food habits early

Sheela Krishnaswamy, a Bangalore-based nutritionist and wellness consultant, offers parents advice on making healthy food choices for children.

Parents Resources

Top Apps/Websites for Expectant Moms

Until recently, for most expectant mothers ‘pregnancy guidebooks were the only sources of reliable information on what to expect when you are expecting. Now with the internet and smartphone evolution, moms-to-be have a choice of myriad apps, Youtube channels and websites providing useful and interactive information and videos detailing the ups and downs of pregnancy. Indulekha S. presents a shortlist of the best.

Parents Resources

What are oronyms and homophones

With oronyms, speak bluntly to get your point across, says Roopa Banerjee

Parents Resources

Parenting challenges in a joint family

We live in a joint family. My brother-in-law and his wife dont insist that their children brush their teeth at night or eat dinner at the table. My children feel I am fussing when I insist they do so, especially since their cousins are not compelled to follow suit. How do I deal with this situation tactfully? — Shilpa Sundar, Coimbatore

Parents Resources

Coping on campuses abroad in turbulent times

With an increase in hate crimes being reported in the US and UK, against foreigners including Indians, parents with children studying abroad are worrying about the safety of their children on foreign campuses while others are opting for less xenophobic host nations - Nandini Reddy

Parents Resources

Charting the right career path for your child

For most parents, the prospect of their teenage children graduating from school (class XII) and entering college is both exciting and worrying. Exciting because a whole new world of adventure awaits them and worrying because the crucial decision of choosing a subject/stream undergrad specialisation and career choice has to be made. Though stream specialisation — arts, commerce and science — in India happens after class X, many students end up choosing a different path in college. That is why its important for parents and students to chalk out a comprehensive career plan in class IX.

Parents Resources

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Currently, 36 cultural and natural sites in India have been designated UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In the first of a four-article series, Srinidhi Raghavendra overviews some of the sites

Parents Resources

Set your child on a self-learning path

Parents must make conscious efforts to help children break out of the teacher-led learning system by encouraging them to self-learn and study, says life skills trainer Jayalakshmi Vaidhyanathan.

Parents Resources

Involve grandparents to make happy children

For centuries, the Indian joint family system integrated the elderly into family and childcare duties. But during the past two-three decades with the rise of the 21st century nuclear family, the role of grandparents has steadily diminished. Nevertheless, its important to bear in mind that they can play an important role in instilling positive values, traditions and time-tested cultural mores in young children - Nandini Reddy, Cynthia John & Mini P.

Parents Resources

Vegan lunch box ideas

For new age parents who have begun to discover food that is healthy, ethically produced, and minimally processed, here are good reasons for going vegan with some attractive vegan lunch box ideas - Bhumika K

Parents Resources

Educating children about cyber safety

ParentsWorld invited parents of the Khaitan Public School, Ghaziabad, to share their insights on preparing children to deal with dangerous social media exposure and online games that could lead to self-harm and/or to the Blue Whale Challenge.

Parents Resources

The sun, sand and culture of UAE

Contemporary United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the worlds fastest growing tourist destinations. It offers visitors sun, sand, sea, sports, unbeatable shopping, top-class hotels and restaurants, intriguing traditional culture, and a safe and welcoming environment

Parents Resources

Not so sweet effects of sugar

Dr. Gita Mathai explains the toxic effects of high sugar consumption on children's health and recommends permissible limits for different age groups.

Parents Resources

Green pastures for insurance professionals

The insurance business offers very bright employment prospects, particularly since India is a grossly under-insured country. With private sector insurance companies having entered the Indian marketplace in droves, they are recruiting personnel aggressively from training institutes and from the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) and General Insurance Corporation (GIC), the two public sector behemoths which have dominated the insurance business in this country for half a century.

Parents Resources

Why is my preschooler misbehaving?

My four-year-old son is going through a phase where he hits and kicks us often. If I am on the phone, he disconnects it, or yells and screams till I attend to him. How do I cope with such behaviour? — Anita Pradeep Kumar D, Trichy

Parents Resources

How to develop the art of public speaking

The art of persuading, inspiring and winning over a crowd — small or big — is an essential skill for success in life and the workplace, says Jayalakshmi Vaidyanathan.

Parents Resources

Taking on the menacing blue whale challenge

The deadly online Blue Whale Challenge, which targets and goads teenage children to self-harm, mutilation and finally suicide, has created a wave of panic among the parents' community in India. Given the psychological vulnerability of teens, counsellors advise parents to encourage two-way communication, monitor children's internet usage, and quickly address signs of teen depression and self-destructive behaviour, writes Arundathi Nath

Parents Resources

3 best ways to keep your child engaged during summer vacation

Summer vacation forms an integral part of every child's life owing to the conclusion of a fruitful educational year, facilitating a gap of two months. Yet, children are found to while away this time indulging in pointless pursuits such as staying indoors with their video games, leaving parents worried about the lost time. Certainly, time is precious and children need to utilise this time more wisely to productive causes. For the children, it is the best time to learn new things that they do not have the time for during the academic year. Listed here are three ways to spend summer vacations in a productive way.

Parents Resources

Education on moral values a must for school children

Swami Vivekananda said of Education: "Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man…”

Parents Resources

Relevance of modern gurukul system in new India

- Raunak Jain, managing director, Tula's International School.

Parents Resources

E.A.S.I.E.R ” the new key to success for 21st century kids

In today's competitive world, awareness of life skills is essential to meet everyday needs, challenges and demands of life. Possession of such vital knowledge is not only necessary for adults but should also be imparted to kids from an early age. Alongside providing the kids necessary tools to deal with life issues, these skills further empowers them to make well-informed decisions that have long-term implications.

Parents Resources

How technology is revolutionising home schooling

Parents who have taken the decision to home-school their children in the last decade or so find themselves in a comfortable space, thanks to the exponential growth in technology. The anxiety over where these resources are available was always a factor while considering the decision. Well, not anymore.

Parents Resources

Tackling anti-social behaviour in children

In a class of students, every child has a unique personality which develops over the course of the academic years until he or she becomes an adult. More than what is taught in the classroom, children learn from interpersonal interactions with other children in the class as well as their teachers. However, among the majority, there is a fraction of children who are unable to cope with their social environment and may display symptoms of anti-social behaviour. In such cases, timely detection and intervention can help in managing the child's behavioural issues.

Parents Resources

Teaching children to be a creator of technology

Are you a consumer of technology or a creator of technology? It is natural that there are more consumers than creators. However, every country needs a substantial number of creators to be able to progress and compete globally. For this, we need to equip our children with the habit of creating technology rather than just using technology.

Parents Resources

How can a parent-child duo make the right career choice

Gone are the days when parents enforced their plans about their children's future on them. Gone are the times when a child would follow a career path set solely by his parents. Today a totally different combination of parent-child relationship is seen. Today an effort to walk hand in hand with the child, is seen from the parents' side. A realisation that it is necessary to understand a childs interest and help him construct his career path, has dawned on parents. It is very essential to establish a relation, which encompasses the comfort of sharing things with each other. But differences in thoughts cannot be denied. So how can a Parent-Child duo who may differ by thoughts about career selection come to a conclusion with mutual consent?

Parents Resources

Parenting with Values

I think as parents and caregivers our wish for our child is that they become the best version of themselves. It comes from a space where we acknowledge that it is from us that their life lessons will come from. We are the first teachers and role models of our children. We are the ones they look up to as they build their personalities and character. But we have not had any training modules or special education to train our children. We need to become aware of the mammoth task in front of us and impart to our children the tools and skills that are eternal and will stand the test of any situation and circumstance. And in doing so, the most valuable tool that we may have on our hands is training our children with values. The five values of Truth, Love, Non-Violence, Peace and Right conduct can shape and mold the character of our children and help them navigate their life with the right principles.

Parents Resources

E-learning ” a stepping stone to Digital India

Traditional classrooms are being replaced by interactive whiteboards with projectors and speakers across the country. The computer-based and internet-based method of learning means that new technology is being introduced enhance learning. Various public and private sector players are now looking to transform education with e-learning and free schools from their rigid teaching methodologies. They are also ensuring that students from even the most remote pockets of the country have access to stellar 21st century education.

Parents Resources

Enjoy learning science with a DIY Terrarium

A cute, eye-catching miniature garden on your table could help your family enjoy the beauty of nature close up. A terrarium helps children understand science and get them interested in gardening. Its fun to create and easy to maintain.

Parents Resources

My son behaves perfectly well at school

My son behaves perfectly well at school and in the presence of others, but at home, he throws tantrums, talks rudely, and behaves badly. He bullies his little brother and screams while he sleeps. I want this situation to improve - D.K, New Delhi

Parents Resources

Why should children play?

Simply because play is the work of childhood. Play helps children learn better, retain learning and enjoy the process. Play teaches children to reason, use logic, plan, work with others, sometimes lead, sometimes follow, to win or lose and to shake hands and make up after a contest.

Parents Resources

5 Apps every parent will love

Forget Facebook and Angry Birds. There is a whole lot of apps that can simplify everyday tasks, including parenting and learning. Whether your favourite gizmo is your mobile or iPad, you'll just love these five apps that can make parenting easier.

Parents Resources

My son needs to get moving

Between school, television and homework, my six-year-old just doesnt get enough outdoor activity. Im working and theres no one to pick and drop him to sports coaching classes. He spends free time on the internet. How do I ensure he gets enough physical activity? -- D.K., Mumbai

Parents Resources

Kickstart active learning

Schools are steadily introducing more and more activities to encourage digital and interactive learning. Here are some ways to enrich your child's education.

Parents Resources

Protect your child from cyberbullying

While you can try to keep the lines of communication open, it helps to prepare your child to handle cyber-bullying by herself. Here are a few safety tips you could ask your child to follow if she encounters problems.

Parents Resources

Four dangerous snacks

Its hard for children to avoid junk food altogether unless they live in remote outbacks. Even as mothers struggle to serve healthy nutritious meals, there are some innocent-looking snacks which can be dangerous to their health and well-being if consumed in excess.

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