My son has no interest in science and maths, though Id love to see him become a professional engineer or a scientist. He likes to draw and sketch and is mad about music. How do I convince him that drawing and music can only be leisure pursuits? - F.R., Delhi
While scrambling to meet school bus timings, packing lunchboxes, and getting children ready for school, its not easy to make breakfast the most important meal of the day. Try these options to add power to your family's breakfast with minimal extra effort.
A healthy learning process is akin to building a brick wall — each brick counts. Its not just about what children learn, but also how they learn. A good process makes education enjoyable, and builds learning skills, which is the foundation for self-learning and education in the future.
My son is hooked into gadgets. Although he is only five, he spends a lot of time playing games on my tablet, or cellphone. Or, he wants to watch something on Youtube or on TV. Is this healthy? - R.V.
My daughter does not want to spend time with us anymore. Shes withdrawn and prefers the company of her friends. She behaves like a teenager when shes barely eleven. But there are other times when she wants me to sit and play with her Barbie dolls. Its quite confusing!” complains Chitra Desai, mother of Aditi (11).
For children, urban life is synonymous with sedentary habits, working parents and minimal outdoor play. Adopting a household pet is a good antidote and stress buster. Here is what pets can offer your child and family:
Children love Facebook, YouTube, and gaming sites, among others websites that you may not even have heard about. But is your child safe in cyber space?
My six-year old son is hyperactive. He is restless and constantly gets into trouble at school. His teachers complain that he fiddles with objects and disturbs others. His behaviour is markedly better on days when he has had a lot of play/physical activity. Please advise -- M. P.
Artistic expression not only gives a child an opportunity for exhibiting creativity, but also boosts a child's confidence. Showcase your child's creativity; dedicate an entire wall to showcase your child's creative efforts.
Ever heard of a triangle that puzzled the world? A region of the Atlantic ocean triang-ulated from the three points of Bermuda, Miami, and Puerto Rico — the Bermuda Triangle — baffles logic. Also known as the Devils Triangle, this oceanic region is known for its strange happen-ings. Since the early 18th century to date, more than 1,000 ships and boats have gone missing there. Not just boats, but even airplanes and torpedo bombers. To deepen the mystery, no traces of crews have ever been found either!
Families can be amazing in several ways. But this one tops it all! Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar have 17 biological children starting from a 19 year old boy to a wee little newborn girl!
Love your family? Heres a great way to cherish the precious gift of family. Take some time off from your mundane day-to-day tasks and spend a day together. A simple picnic can be planned any time.
When you set out to do something to make a difference — for example, to eradicate hunger — working alone or with a few friends is not enough. So it becomes necessary to write letters to alert government officials, news-paper editors, local business leaders and producers of television news programmes.
Preetha was cycling to school, excited. At the Sports Day event that evening, Preetha was a finalist in the Slow Cycle Race. She was an expert and usually won.
Doing something that will make the world a better place is a two-way gift. You do something for others and feel great yourself! Try these simple ideas.
In Atlantic Canada, a birthday child is often cornered and her nose is greased for good luck. The greased nose makes the child too slippery for bad luck to catch her!
Higher!” Shruti yelled. She was on a swing and Vanitha was pushing her. The swing was suspended from a huge tree and Shruti could see the sunlit branches and the clouds as she felt the wind rush through her hair. It felt heavenly.
Are you aware of vacant spaces that need a dash of colour? It could be your room, a balcony or a classroom. Here are some quick ‘n easy ideas to add colour to your life!
Its school time again, with lists and pamphlets and reminders that clutter your space. Nothing is handier than a personalised bulletin board to put it all up.
Take a big lump of clay and make any shape out of it. Then sit down and list at least 10 descriptions of what the shape represents or a story/anecdote about it. You will be surprised by your own creativity.
A bunch of Ohio State University students spent their summer holidays trotting around the globe: studying architecture in Europe, agricul-ture in China, volunteering medical care in Mexico and even learning Arabic in Yemen. Says Greg Delaney, a team member: This trip was an unbelievable opportunity to actually experience firsthand whatever we were learning back in Ohio. Every day was an adventure
Summers here once again with its long, hot days! Finding things to do for two months can be a bit of a challenge. But with the help of an Art and Craft Box, you could create some fun and magic.
Professor (Dr.) C. Raj Kumar, a Rhodes Scholar, is the founding Vice Chancellor of O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana (NCR of Delhi) “The university .....Read More
Kanishka Agarwal, Senior Measurement, Monitoring and Evaluation Associate, Pratham Education Foundation and Muskan, Research Assoicate at ASER Centre, currently pursuing an MBA at MDI. Almost .....Read More