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Parents Resources

Helping with Homework

Homework hour can be demanding with one child. And more demanding if you have children.

Parents Resources

Help your child make friends easily

Your child may be a great chatterbox at home, but may well become hesitant and awkward in a new school, neighbourhood or city. Here are some ways to help your child make new friends with confidence and ease.

Parents Resources

Some ways to keep your family active

A family that exercises is usually brimming with energy and enthusiasm. Having fun and staying healthy happen automatically. Helping your family remain active is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

Parents Resources

Tackling school work

My sons school believes in encouraging learning by rote. I don't want to change his school, but want him to get more out of his schooling. How do I help him?

Parents Resources

Gift your child word power

If your child discovers the joy of words early, you'll see her develop into an effective and powerful communicator. While one can improve vocabulary at almost any age, specialists believe children learn new words with twice the speed of adults. Here are some ideas to make the words learning process simpler.

Parents Resources

Help your child conquer clutter

Mom, where are my shoelaces?” Does that sound like one of the demands that are yelled at home every morning before school? If so, here are some tips to get your child organised — tips that work!

Parents Resources

Dental care for little teeth

With easy access to chocolate and junk food of all kinds, children need dental more than ever. And dental care is more than a quick brushing every morning. Here are seven teeth care pointers from Dr. Ameetha Rajesh, Smile Dental Care Chennai.

Parents Resources

School gripes and groans

My son often comes home with complaints that someone took his pencil or pushed him. We have complained to the school but they are not able to do much. How can I help him? How do we solve such school gripes and groans?

Parents Resources

Get your kids involved in chores

Juggling, parenting, household work, office work, socializing and multi-tasking can drain you energy. Getting kids involved in household chores is beneficial in several ways –

Parents Resources

A curious child could be a genius

Peh Yong, a six year old, invented an umbrella that can make you feel cool in hot weather. It uses the process of evaporation to create and circulate cool air.

Parents Resources

3 ways to inspire your kids

Implementing these 3 ways to inspire your kids can help children look up to you and respect you- this can be done by participating in activities together, reading motivational books and encouraging specific traits. Here are 3 ways to inspire your kids:

Parents Resources

What does your child want to be?

Very few children can make an intelligent career choice at 14. Yet often, preparatory coaching for the IIT-JEE begins as early as age 12. Early streaming makes children choose from a limited number of career options when hundreds and thousands of choices are available today. Children need to be made more aware of career paths available before choosing specialisations and subjects in high school.

Parents Resources

Lifestyle Check

Changing lifestyles and habits are making kids susceptible to a number of health hazards. Here are some common habits that can be dangerous, and suggestions to overcome them.

Parents Resources

Turn sibling rivalry upside down

"Will these children ever stop arguing?”, you groan for the umpteenth time. Just face it. You cant eliminate sibling rivalries altogether. But you can get them to work for you. Try these ideas to turn sibling rivalry upside down:

Parents Resources

DIY-Kids’ room decor

Rainbow-coloured butterflies flying brilliant blue skies, flitting on the wall. Flower-shaped pillows resting on pastel bedsheets. Childrens room decor is as attractive as it gets, with a plethora of options to choose from. But expect a sizeable bill.

Parents Resources

What is my son scared of?

What is my son scared of? My six-year-old is usually reluctant to attend school. He doesnt tell me why. He looks scared at times when I ask him why he doesnt want to go. I fear his teachers are being too harsh on him. What do I do?

Parents Resources

5 ways to keep your child smiling

Caught in the daily whirl, it is easy for parents to get stressed out, and later feel guilty about not having made the time or effort to make their child feel special. Implementing these 5 ways to keep your child smiling can help.

Parents Resources

My daughter hates maths

My nine-year-old daughter is comfortable with most subjects but dislikes maths. She has a very negative attitude towards it. I dont want to force her to take up a subject she dislikes but I dont want her to miss a suitable career option by dropping maths in high school.

Parents Resources

Is your child plump or obese?

Lets face it. Indians love plump kids. Children with chubby cheeks are regarded as healthy while lean children are looked upon as ‘undernourished.

Parents Resources

Plan a birthday party that stands out

Bored with humdrum birthday parties? Do something different, and give your childs friends a surprise, while giving them something to think about. Here's how to plan a birthday party that stands out:

Parents Resources

Nurturing your child’s creativity

My son is very creative but I feel his school curbs his creativity. For example, in the art class, he loves experimenting with colours. But his teacher insists on his following textbook prescribed colours.

Parents Resources

Transforming television time

Urban kids (aged 6-17) are spending an average of five hours watching television a day, according to a 2010 survey by ASSOCHAM (Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry in India) which covered major Indian cities. 52 percent of children surveyed had a television in their own rooms.

Parents Resources

Eating right during exams

When exams are around the corner, children are usually equipped with study plans, formulae lists, memory charts and new stationery. But one important aspect is often neglected. At this crucial time, it isnt enough to say that children need to eat well. Knowing what diet will help your child during exams is an important duty of parents.

Parents Resources

Dealing with exam aversion

Exams are approaching and I have a feeling my 13-year-old son is beginning to hate school. My friends son rebelled and totally refused to go to school at 15. I'm afraid my son might also do something like that if he begins hating school.

Parents Resources

Conquering mealtime and bedtime battles

Do you have mealtime and bedtime battles every day? Here are a few things to think about:

Parents Resources

The mom with limitless books

Minu Sarin was a Mom who loved books. And both her kids — Veena (6) and Ashutosh (10) — loved them too.

Parents Resources

Parenting-striking the right balance

If you have been attending ‘What kind of parent are you?' quizzes, you are like most parents who are not sure if they are doing right by their children. Parenting can sometimes be such a difficult balancing act that you dont seem to know whether you are doing it right.

Parents Resources

Eating right for schooldays

My son is tired by the time he reaches home from school though he eats a good lunch. He gets home at 4 p.m in the school bus. As a result, he is in a bad mood for one-two hours after coming home, and I am sure lack of food is the main reason. How can I get him to eat more?

Parents Resources

Five superfoods to give your child every day

Proper nutrition and diet is integral to children's proper growth. Here are five superfoods to give your child every day.

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