Delhi Technological Unviersity (DTU) is a non-affiliating teaching and research University engaged in promoting studies, research, technology incubation, product innovation and extension work in Science, Technology and Management. To attract best of minds to ensure high academic standards and encourage research & innovation in areas of relevance to industry and society, the University invites applications for the following:
The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur is a Public-Private Partnership venture between the Government of Rajashtan and the Lakshmi & Usha Mittal Foundation. The Institute was established in 2002 as an autonomour non-profit organization.
Clothes, candies, candles, and cakes are soon forgotten. Here are some ways to make each birthday an enduring memory. Every birthday, take a picture of yourself with your mom and dad — preferably in the same spot or pose. You will have a wonderful set of pictures that show your different stages of growth!
A global career in Retail Fashion & Management 25 years of Academic Excellence ranked A+++ category Institute, ranked No. 1 Institute in Retail Management.
Times School of Journalism (TSJ), a journalism institute run by The Times of India Group, invites applications for its post-graduate diploma course in Journalism for 2013-14 (both English and Hindi). The year-long programme at TSJ has four-six months of comprehensive hands-on paid internship in leading group brands like The Times of India, Navbharat Times,
Applications are invited for admission to the UG, PG, Superspeciality & Ph.D Programmes in the Constituent Colleges, of MGMHS at Navi Mumbai and Aurangabad.
Delhi Technological University (DTU) has been established by Govt. of Delhi by upgrading the erstwhile Delhi College of Engineering vide Delhi Act 6 of 2009 which has co me in force with effect from July 15, 2009 with its notification in the official gazette. DTU is committed to attract best of minds of its faculty & students, ensure high academic standards and encourage research & innovation in areas jof relevance to industry and society. Applications are invited for admission to the following Post Graduate and Doctoral programs of the University for the session 2013-14.
The Delhi High Court has refused to impose a blanket ban on smartphones in schools stating that it is an “undesirable and unworkable” approach. Justice .....Read More
- Reshma Ravishanker The All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has formed a committee for integration of Artificial Intelligence into education in line with the .....Read More