
Embrace cyclic living



Yamini Naik

The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda says that human lifestyles should be in tune with the climatic seasons to ensure physical and mental well-being. Its philosophy of ‘cyclic living’ ordains that human beings should align their lives with nature and its seasons to nurture holistic wellness. For instance in summer human bodies are designed to naturally reduce agni (digestive fire), prompting us to eat less and hydrate more. However in reality, modern lifestyles are disconnected from nature’s rhythms and cycles.

With most states of the country in the grip of an unprecedented heat wave, in this special essay, I recommend three ways for you and your children to adopt a changed diet plan to cope with the summer season.

Cooling foods shopping spree
In summer it’s essential to switch to foods with high water content to provide cooling effect on the body. Take your child to a fresh vegetables market and ask her to select seasonal vegetables such as cucumber, tomato, bottle gourd (lauki), ridge gourd (toria), bitter gourd (karela), pumpkin (kaddu) and green beans. These vegetables are low in calories, and rich in vitamins and minerals.

Summer cooking sessions
Encourage your children to cook with you. Rustle up fresh and creative salads by mixing summer vegetables with light grains such as quinoa, millets, lentils and semolina (sooji). Avoid spicy and fried foods, and excess garlic and onion. Instead, use aromatic, cooling spices such as cumin, coriander, and fennel that aid digestion.

Set up a juice station
Adequate hydration is critical in summer because the body tends to lose fluids and electrolytes because of excessive perspiration. Set up a juice station at home and make different drinks such as lassi, fresh watermelon, jamun, litchi, amla-lemon-neem, raw mango (kairi panna) and pomegranate juices every day. These seasonal fruits provide much-needed hydration.

I advise that in summer your family embraces the art of cyclic living, slows down, and is mindful of the rhythms of nature and our bodies.

(Yamini Naik is a certified ayurveda and yoga coach and founder of La Vie Sattvic)

Also read: Avoid health and dietary supplements

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