
Ensuring children follow a balanced diet

balanced diet

PW invited parents of BD Memorial Jr School, Golf Garden, Kolkata to share insights on how they ensure their children follow nutritious diets

From his early childhood, my son Shreyaan (class IV) has been a no-fuss foodie. He is fond of all types of food. I oblige him with nutritious homecooked meals in which I make an effort to include a variety of season’s greens, lentils, eggs and meat. Glued to his computer and engaged in mini­mum physical activity during the pandemic years, my son quickly put on weight. But now with online learning replaced by normal schooling and loads of physical activ­ity, we are able to canalise Shreyaan’s energy effectively” — Susrita Banerjee, homemaker

“As parents we under­stand the critical im­portance of a balanced diet. So we ensure vitamins, min­erals, carbohy­drates, protein and fat are adequate for our son Aryan (class V). As a working mother, I strictly monitor the daily meals menu to include as many greens and fresh fruit as possible, small measures of carbohy­drates and protein, also keeping an eye on the proportion of oil/fat used to cook our meals to ensure Aryan’s fitness and well-being” — Chandrani Bose, process developer, Genpact, Kolkata


“As soon as my son Krishnasish (class IV) wakes up in the morning, I make sure he drinks a full glass of water as I believe sufficient water is required for body cleans­ing and healthy digestion. Before leaving for school, I serve him a bowl of milk and cornflakes and alternatively a glass of channa sattu as sattu is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and minerals. On his return from school in the afternoon, I serve him a bowl of fresh fruit and also insist he eats some sour curd after lunch which helps his diges­tion” — Tina Kar, homemaker

“I admit it has been a challenge to keep my four-year-old son Kian away from junk food because we ourselves find quick fixes to our cravings and serve our son the same. I realised we were setting a poor example for Kian and needed to change our diet urgently. To begin with, I started preparing his favourite junk food at home. Just a few healthy swaps and voila, Kian doesn’t crave for junk food anymore. As he grows older we will ensure he balances healthy food habits with a healthy lifestyle” — Tanushree Gupta, business analyst, Genpact, Kolkata

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