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Erroneous & unwarranted

EducationWorld June 17 | EducationWorld

Re the EducationWorld India Engineering Institutes Rankings 2017-18 (EW May). Please note that BITS, Pilani is a multi-campus university and a single entity. Your ranking of our Hyderabad and Goa campuses separately is erroneous and unwarranted. 

Kindly correct the same and issue a single cumulative rank to BITS, Pilani. 

Prof. Vidya Rajesh
Department of Biological Sciences
BITS, Pilani (Hyderabad)

Since the BITS campuses are widely separated geographically and quality of faculty, research, and placements of each campus vary widely, we decided to rate and rank BITS’ three campuses separately for the convenience of our readers — Editor


Curious methodology

I am concerned about your ranking of India’s Top 50 Private B-schools (EW May), where XIME is ranked #25. It stretches credulity that the Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies (RCBS), Kochi, is ranked above us at #20. On all your parameters of assessment, we fare better.

Our faculty is high-quality and students are diverse representing 20-25 states of India, with 52 percent being women, whereas in RCBS 95 percent of students are from Kerala. Re placements as well, our average start-up salaries are higher. We are a fully residential institution with student recruitment centres in Kolkata, Delhi and Pune. 

In NIRF 2016 of the Union HRD ministry, RCBS was ranked #36 cf. XIME’s #30 rank. In NIRF 2017, RCBS isn’t ranked at all whereas XIME is the only private sector B-school (Karnataka and Kerala campuses) to be ranked in the Top 50.

Something is evidently very wrong with your survey methodology.

Prof. J. Philip
President, Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Bangalore

The EW Rankings of India’s Top 50 B-schools 2017-18 are based on the perceptions of 613 B-school faculty, 511 final year students and 122 industry representatives countrywide who rated and ranked them on 11 parameters of education excellence — Editor


Designation error

Thanks for ranking ICFAI Business School (IBS) in your cover story of India’s Top 50 private B-schools (EW May). However, Dr. Venkata Seshaiah is the director — not dean — of the ICFAI Business School.

Ramana Murthy
ICFAI Group, Hyderabad


Selective disservice

Your logic behind ranking only the country’s private universities, engineering institutes and B-schools is flawed and biased in favour of the privileged and elite (EW May). Most of the private universities you have ranked — Manipal, Ashoka, etc — charge hefty and unreasonable fees which are unaffordable by the majority of the population.

Though I’m not advocating shutdown of private universities, your selective rankings of the country’s private institutions of higher education gives readers a one-sided view of Indian education. 

My advice and request to you is to rank all institutions — government, aided and private — inter se to enable students to make informed higher education admission choices.

Sukumar Banerjee


Modi government failures

Re your editorial ‘Modi government’s forgotten promise’ (EW May), I agree with you that it’s time prime minister Modi delivers on his promise of ‘minimum government, maximum governance’. He has failed to fulfill his promise of improving the ease of doing business. 

Even three years after the BJPgovernment was sworn-in in New Delhi, the Modi government has failed to unearth black money hoarded by the big fish — the super-rich and politicians. On the contrary, some of the government’s recent laws which revive inspector raj, especially, in taxation matters, are likely to cause suffering to the common man. 

Mahesh Kumar


Stressful delay
We want to bring to your notice that VTU (Visvesvaraya Technological University), Belgaum has failed to announce the exam results of a large number of students who wrote the VII semester examination held in December 2016/January 2017. This has caused students severe stress as they cannot apply for admission into higher study programmes in India and abroad. 

We request you to put pressure on the state government to investigate this matter.

Satish Kumar

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