Cover Story
EducationWorld International Residential Schools 2024-25 - “We are delighted to be ranked India #1 in our competitive new category of international residential schools. This is the… more>
EW India School Rankings 2024-25 (Part-II) - Last month (September) in Part I of EWISR 2024-25, we featured league tables rating and ranking over 3,000 day schools.… more>
EW India’s best boys boarding schools 2024-25 - The league table of sufficiently high-profile boys boarding schools has been shrinking year by year. This shrinkage has been attenuated… more>
EW India’s best international day schools 2024-25 - In EWISR 2024-25 in the broad international schools category, the fastest growing segment is that of international day schools because… more>
EW India’s best international day-cum-boarding schools 2024-25 - Sprawled across capital-intensive campuses on the peripheries of populous metros and rising cities, offering superb academic and sports facilities, day-cum-boarding… more>
EW India’s Best state government day schools 2024-25 - “It’s a matter of immense pride and joy that Government Model, Chandigarh has been promoted to India’s #1 state government… more>
EW India’s Top 20 Special Needs Schools 2024-25 - “It’s a dream come true to be ranked India’s #1 special needs school with top scores on four of ten… more>
EW India’s Top 30 Government Boarding Schools 2024-25 - “We are very proud that RMS, Bengaluru has been promoted from India #5 last year to India’s #1 government boarding… more>
EW India’s Top Central Government Day School 2024-25 - “We are delighted to be ranked India’s best Central government day school for the third year in succession with top… more>
EW India’s top girls boarding schools 2024-25 - In multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-lingual India, all-girls schools — especially boarding schools — discharge a very valuable nation-building duty. They thoroughly… more>
EW Super 40 Budget Private Schools national 2024-25 - “This valuable award is a monument to the steadfast devotion and diligence of our whole school community and a reward… more>
EW Vintage legacy boys boarding schools 2024-25 - “We are thrilled that BCS is ranked India’s #1 legacy boys boarding school by EducationWorld, a market leader institution. This… more>
EW Vintage legacy co-ed boarding schools 2024-25 - “We are delighted to have regained our #1 rank which had slipped to #2 last year. Since then, we have… more>
EW Vintage legacy girls boarding schools 2024-25 - “It’s wonderful to learn that All Saints has been voted India’s #1 legacy girls boarding school in the prestigious EW… more>
EW Vintage Legacy International Residential Schools 2024-25 - “We are thrilled to be ranked India’s #1 legacy international residential school by EducationWorld for the fifth year in succession.… more>
India’s Top Central Government Day School 2024-25 - “We are delighted to be ranked India’s best Central government day school for the third year in succession with top… more>
India’s top-ranked co-ed boarding schools 2024-25 - Offering pure, unpolluted air and excellent academic, co-curricular, sports and games facilities, while considerably reducing the stress and strain of… more>