Maharashtra government has announced that it has made it optional for students to write their final year university exams owing to the coronavirus pandemic.
The exams were scheduled to be held in July. But now, the students can either opt to write the exams or get their degrees directly by giving an undertaking in writing to the university. The decision was taken on Thursday during the disaster management committee meeting chaired by Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray. The higher and technical education issued a resolution to that effect on Friday.
The department had also earlier written to University Grants Commission (UGC) seeking approval to cancel exams of final year university students. However, a decision on ATKT students who have a subject backlog is yet to be taken. The education department has also sought cancellation of exams of professional courses such as hotel management, pharmacy and technical courses. “We have written to various authorities which conduct these exams and have recommended their cancellations,” said Uday Samant, the higher and technical education minister.
Amidst the increasing cases of coronavirus across the country, students and parents have been demanding to cancel all exams. Concerned about the safety of students and staff, they have been filing petitions in Supreme Court and started several online petitions regarding the same.
Recommended: Maharashtra: Curious exams fervour
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