
First in Math | EWIER 2020 Series

First in Math

Category: Information & Communication Technologies

First in Math India Pvt. Ltd (FIMI, estb. 2014) is a partially owned subsidiary of the Pennsylvania (USA)-based Suntex International Inc (estb.1988), a company founded by renowned math guru, inventor-game designer Robert Sun. Committed to the propagation of innovative math education pedagogies worldwide, it provides a scientific game-design online math programme to stimulate interest and love of math in children from Pre-K to Grade 8. The First in Math® (FIM) programme has been accessed by over 20 million students worldwide.

In 2015, FIMI launched the First in Math® online programme in India and students of more than 225 schools countrywide have enroled in the programme. Moreover, FIMI has signed a collaboration agreement with the Jharkhand state government under the Central government’s Digital India initiative and successfully embedded FIM in primary and secondary schools across rural districts. They are successfully replicating this model in collaboration with SCERT – department of school education, Punjab, in rural middle schools.

FIM Leader

Monica Patel

A double graduate in special education and technology-based teacher education of Lehigh University, Pennsylvania (USA), Monica Patel is CEO of First in Math India Pvt. Ltd. An expert in designing innovative math pedagogies for large school districts, Patel has been serving as an implementation strategist at FIM’s parent company Suntex International since over a decade. In 2015, she launched FIM in India after she saw the life-changing impact of the innovative math education programme on her son and other students and was appointed its CEO.


Programme quality

Technical support

User interface design

Customer satisfaction

Value for money


Unique value promise

  • FIM is designed as an experience to energise all children, regardless of skill level or geography.
  • The company culture prioritises love, support, empowerment and collaboration.
  • Current partner schools in India include all categories – premier residential schools; stand-alone day schools; group schools; school chains; budget schools in tier III and tier IV cities; government schools and aided-private schools.
  • Short and long-term pilots are offered with an impact analysis report on three measures – math problems solved, increase in foundational numeracy skills, identification of talent cohort.

Impact assessment

  • Sequential assessment allows students to graduate from ‘easier’ to ‘challenging’ to ‘rigorous’ activities.
  • Students in rural primaries in Jharkhand scored higher grades in maths within six months of enrolling in FIM.
  • Stanford Research Institute (SRI) study findings indicate 50 test score points improvement after 20 minutes daily FIM practice.
  • Double-digit gains in student proficiency on Statewide assessment, demonstrated in a research study by Lehigh University published in 2020.
  • In a double-blind study conducted by the San Francisco-based WestEd, FIM had significant impact on California Standards Test (CST) student achievement scores across each grade level.
  • WestEd qualitative surveys reveal a change in attitude and mindset toward mathematics.

NEP 2020 Objectives and Outcomes

Highlights of 2019-2020 case studies:

Lehigh University’s research study on the successful use of First In Math at Marvine Elementary, a Title 1 school that achieved a 24.8 percent increase in PSSA math scores, has been published in the Mathematics Teaching Research Journal, Spring 2020. Based on this performance, the U.S. Department of Education recognised the school among Pennsylvania’s highest performing schools in closing achievement gaps of students and nominated it a 2020 National Blue Ribbon School.

Contact details;
Nirdosh @ 96504 46419

Also read: COVID19 Challenge: First in Math online learning success story

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