According to the experts, children learn faster through fun-based activities. Hence, what better way than serving them with intellectual menu through interesting general knowledge quizzes. The kids will definitely give a listening ear, and will also learn more. Weekends are quite good for these interesting quizzes. We bring to you ten easy and fun general knowledge questions and answers.
Q: What only comes down but never goes up?
A: Rain
Q: In all months in a year which month has 28 days or more?
A: All months in a year have 28 days and more.
Q: If you drop a yellow hat in the red sea what does it became ?
A: It will not become red. But rather the hat will become wet.
Q: What is middle of Paris?
A: R
Q: Which word is spelt wrong in every dictionary?
A: Wrong, what else could it be.
Q: On a menu what is Bombay Duck?
A: Fish
Q: What is a Blue Whale’s heart the same size as?
- A small car
Q: Which is the biggest spider in the world?
A: The tarantula and it is believed to live in the Amazon basin.
Q: On a normal computer keyboard with which number does * share a key?
A: 8
Q: Who was the first Twitter user to reach 20 million followers?
A: The famous singer Lady Gaga, who recently won an Academy award
Q: What animal can run the fastest: an elephant, squirrel or a mouse?
A: Actually it is an elephant because it can reach a speed of 40km/hr(25 mph), while the squirrel can reach a speed of 20 mph and a mouse can reach till 7 mph.
Q: Which fruit is the most popular and most consumed in the world?
A: Bananas – more than 40 tons of bananas are consumed annually.
Q: Which singing voice is the highest pitch? Soprano, tenor or baritone?
A: Soprano
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