A 19-year old girl was stabbed to death at her college in Bengaluru on Monday afternoon by an acquaintance. Soon after, the attacker, student of another college attempted suicide and is admitted to a private hospital in a critical condition.
The incident occurred at Presidency College in the Bengaluru where Layasmitha, a BTech student was stabbed multiple times inside a classroom. The incident took place at 1 pm.
The attacker Pawan Kalyan, who attacked the girl multiple times later stabbed himself soon after the murder in an attempt to suicide.
The incident came to light when Layasmitha wailed in pain after being stabbed. The girl’s classmates only rushed to see the attacker and victim lying in a pool of blood.
Prima facie, the police said that Kalyan was disgruntled over Layasmitha rejecting his love proposal and having an affair with another boy. However, the actual reason is yet to be ascertained. The duo allegedly knew each other and hailed from the same place in Kolar district.