Gyanshree School, Noida is a coeducational day school affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. The school is established under the aegis of a leading business house and its symbol the banyan tree stands for the school’s belief that knowledge leads to enlightenment and prosperity.
The school aims to achieve excellence, offer a stimulating environment, set opportunities to broaden horizons and facilitate building of knowledge and skills in an effortless manner for children and teachers thereby creating a learning institution.
The school hosts an exclusive R&D Centre that incorporates global strategies, innovative techniques and pedagogical practices to make the education system measurable and all classrooms are equipped with smart boards, which are connected to the R&D Centre. The library features a wide range of curriculum resources, fiction and non-fiction books, digital, print, audio and visual resources. The school also houses labs for language, math, social studies, physics, chemistry and biology, an infirmary with first aid and primary medical care with a full time in-house doctor and nurse, cafeteria and a play area called Activia which provides activities that require kids to use their hands as well as their minds through rhymes, stories, role play, manipulatives and interactive boards.
The school campus is Wi-Fi enabled and is under CCTV surveillance.
The sports infrastructure includes facilities for aerobics, aquatics (swimming pool and splash pool), badminton, basketball, billiards, basketball, chess, cricket, caroms, football, skating, squash, table tennis, tennis, volleyball and yoga.
The school offers an exclusive researched programme called the Effortless Learning Programme (ELP) that embraces the philosophy, guidelines, approaches and methodologies of Dr. Maria Montessori, Dr Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence, CBSE and CBSE-I.
In the pre primary classes, ELP is child- centred, encourages active learning through exploration and play and introduces children to literacy, numerical concepts, EVS and life skills that encourage them to sense, observe, investigate, connect and conclude. ELP helps to awaken the mind and infuses the intellectual knowledge with aesthetic experience.
In the primary classes from I to V, ELP facilitates application of knowledge through integrating projects and activities and enriches and compliments children’s classroom learning by organising appropriate challenges through various resources. The programme also enables children to compare, question, analyse, investigate, collaborate and contribute.
From classes VI to X, ELP is innovative, relevant, evolutionary and developmental and balances the integration of acquired knowledge, skills and its application – connection into action and content areas, fostering High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The programme builds children’s self-confidence and assurance through planned assessments and revision strategies which are an integral part of teaching and learning.
In the senior school – classes XI and XII – ELP is interdisciplinary and bridges contextual learning and project learning and offers professional learning opportunities that promote field-based pedagogical skills and competencies. The programme is collaborative, uses enabling and empowering technologies, thus enhancing information and subject fluencies, measures progress, completeness and accuracy through timely assessments, giving appropriate and detailed feedback/reflection.
Brinda Ghosh (principal)
Please contact the school office for information on admissions.
Please contact the school office for information on fees.
According to a school spokesperson, Gyanshree School is committed to a unique learning approach and an ‘Effortless Learning’ environment that helps children become lifelong learners.
The school’s state-of-the-art R&D Centre had been set up in partnership with two premier educational institutions from Finland and Singapore and the school is led and guided by able navigators of national and international repute.
It is ranked among the top co-ed day schools in India by the EducationWorld India School Rankings 2021-22.
Being a day school, Gyanshree School, Noida does not offer accommodation facility.