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HC asks Delhi University to hold physical examination from September 14

August 17, 2020

Delhi High Court asked Delhi University to commence physical examination from September 14. The court said that holding a physical examination after September 20 is “unreasonable. DU was supposed to hold final year undergraduate online OBE from August 10-31.” The virtual examination in DU ends in August. The data of the online book examination shows that less than half of the students have appeared.

“End date of physical examination to be placed on record by DU,” ruled the High Court. It also directed DU to verify the total number of students with disabilities (PWD students) who would appear for physical examination and can “work out the modalities of their stay.”

Delhi University will create an email ID to allow students to make requests pertaining to issuance of a “request letter” on behalf of DU to foreign universities on delay in declaration of result.” The court has directed DU to create these email IDs within a week and publish them on the official website.

The High Court also ruled that DU will digitally forward the marksheets of fifth semester law students.

Delhi High court orders University Grants Commission to issue an advisory against post-graduate colleges seeking provisional certificates for admission before the exams are completed on September 30.

Delhi University will also record data on answer sheets received through email mode, ruled Court.

The court heard the petitions challenging DU’s decision to hold online Open Book Examinations (OBE), as per the UGC guidelines, for final year undergraduate courses which will be in long-form exams.

DU was supposed to hold final year undergraduate online OBE from August 10-31 and the students who will be left out of online exams were to be given an opportunity to appear in physical examinations, to be held sometime in September.

Source: Business Insider

Also read: Delhi University to conduct open book exams for final year UG, PG students

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