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ParentsWorld May 2019 | Kidzone

Hello Children!

If fun and excitement is what you’re looking for, here’s the place for you! Kidzone presents proposals to rev you up, give you great ideas and help you do some interesting things solo and with other children.

Jump right in and join the action with our cool ideas, activities, engrossing stories, puzzles and more.

Also send us opinions, writing and artworks. We’ll feature some of the best. Mail us at [email protected].
Join the fun as we present exciting ideas to pep up weekends and holidays. We’ll be with you every month, with ideas to stimulate you. So plunge right into this issue on Friendship!

Idea Box

Add zing to your friendships!

Togetherness. Loyalty. Fun.

Is that what friends mean to you? Here are some ideas to improve your friendships.

Sleepovers. Staying up all night, chatting and sharing stories and laughter… sleepovers are great for bonding.

“Activities are more fun when we do them together. That’s why sleepovers are so special,” says Muskan Arora (7).

There’s something special about being able to chat and play all night. Try these ideas at your sleepover:

Practice and learn some magic tricks that you can try on your friends.
Make a snack together.
Make a model town, using all the materials you can find.
Set your camera in self-timer mode and click some remembrance photos.
Pick out your favourite books and read them together.
Dress up in some whacky costumes and take some pix.
Plan a picnic. You can choose any place — even the neighbourhood park. Focus on doing things together that you don’t usually do.
Introduce a new friend to other close friends.
Pick an activity that one of you likes and the other doesn’t. Maybe you’ll convert her.
Build something together.
Collect puzzles and solve them together.
A little extra effort will help you deepen your friendships. Have fun and tell us about it.

Short story

“May the best man win!” – Sangeetha Narayan

“So, still hiding from Arun?” That was my older brother.

“It’s none of your business!” I replied crossly.

He shrugged. “Arun has been looking for you since this morning. The try-outs are in an hour.”

I was sick of hearing about the try-outs. The Shanti Nagar Colony’s try-outs for the junior cricket team! It was every kid’s dream, or should I say nightmare! I was good; everybody knew it. If I volunteered, I was certain to be selected.
But, what about Arun and what would happen to our friendship if I was selected and he was not? Would we still be friends? Probably not! So, that’s why I was avoiding my best friend!

It was the hardest decision of my life. Arun loved cricket and being selected for the team was his dream! All I had to do was hide until they selected him.

So, I stayed in my room until the try-outs were over. Then I came out of my hiding place to congratulate Arun. I saw him on the playground — frowning! What happened? He couldn’t have been left out, could he? There weren’t any other ten-year-olds in the colony!

“Congratulations!” I put on my best smile.

He didn’t look very convinced. “A fine friend you are!” he burst out angrily.“What?” I asked. “Didn’t you get selected?”

“So, it’s true! You didn’t show up so that I would be selected instead of you!”

I shrugged. “I only did what a good friend would do.”

“Well, you proved your friendship, Dhruv!” He threw the ball to me. I caught it.

“Now, it’s my turn! I got the try-outs postponed. How about a one-on-one challenge? You and me — may the best man win!” he said.

Our friendship would be fine. “Alright. May the best man win!”

Teacher’s Corner

A few tips to make you a part of another child’s happy memories as a favourite teacher and friend.

Be friendly, but also firm.

Be approachable. Never use sarcasm.

Show them you care by remembering and calling children by their names.

Encourage questions.

Make your classroom child-centred.A sense of humour is goes a long way. It infuses fun into the learning process.

Love your students and teach with passion; reach out, earn their confidence, gain an entry into their world, and become their favourite teacher.

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