Hebron School, Ooty is a co-educational international residential school affiliated with the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE). It aims to provide an affordable international education (drawn from a British tradition) based on sound Christian principles for children aged from pre-school to university entrance. It is situated in 22 acres of woodland around the former stately home of Lushington Hall. The Ooty botanical gardens and the school share a common entrance. It is sometimes known as “Hebron International School”, as it was recognised by the European Council of International Schools (ECIS) and because there are students from over 25 nationalities studying at the school.
In addition to academic studies, emphasis is put on music, drama, sport and extra-curricular activities.
Hebron School, Ooty is housed on the two campuses of Lushington and Selborne which are approximately two km apart.
Lushington campus houses the main school buildings which have been built around Lushington Hall, which now houses the administration department. There are several modern academic and residential buildings, a kitchen and dining rooms, a health centre, and auditorium; sports facilities include a swimming pool, two playing fields and a sports hall which includes a squash court. Junior school (boys and girls) and older boys are resident at Lushington.
Selborne campus provides residential accommodation for the senior girls. It has a kitchen and dining room, a common room, computer facilities, music rooms and a covered sports hall. The girls travel daily to and from school by the school buses.
Hebron School has over 170 computers used for teaching and administration. All computers are networked together and provide access to individual’s files, departmental files, email and internet.
Students follow the International British school system and study for IGCSE’s and eventually A and AS levels. These examinations are generally assessed by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) board and by Edexcel, London. In Hebron School students study the English National Curriculum leading to IGCSE in standards X and XII and to ‘A’ levels in Standards XII and XIII.
Hebron School, Ooty is divided into thirteen standards (years), which encompass primary, middle, and secondary stages of the school curriculum.In the primary stage, the curriculum is related to the students’ natural development and is intended to provide a well balanced and rounded foundation. Students are taught a range of subjects, often in the form of inter-disciplinary project work. The English National Curriculum is followed.
The middle and secondary curricula are made up of core and foundation subjects. French and Hindi are taught from Std. VII, whilst at the end of Std. IX students may choose to specialize in a range of subjects to be taken to external examination level in Std. X and XI.
At the start of Std. X, students begin their chosen courses for the UK International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations which are sat at the end of Std.XII.
The General Certificate of Education (GCE) advanced level courses are studied in stds.XII and XIII. Four ‘AS’ courses are normally taught in Std. XII and these are examined at the end of the year. Most students then go on to take three of these courses at ‘A2’ level, thus completing the full ‘A’ level in these subjects.
In most external examination subjects, assessment is by a combination of ongoing coursework projects and end of year written examinations. Coursework projects are assessed in school whilst final written examinations are marked in the UK.
Extra Curricular: Every year students are eligible to be entered for the Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM) grade exams. Examiners from the United Kingdom conduct the exams at the school.
Facilities for athletics (track and field), swimming, cross-country running, football (soccer), field and indoor hockey, cricket, volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis, tennis, squash, softball and touch rugby are provided at the school.
Timothy Christopher James Wright
Hebron School, Ooty as an international school, considers an application as serious only if there are valid reasons why the applicant should follow an international curriculum in India. These reasons need to be clearly explained to us by accompanying letter. All prospective applicants need to have applications lodged by the end of January of the year admission is sought. The following should be sent with the application:
Application fees – an amount of Rs.1500/- by way of cash or demand draft.
Covering letter indicating why the family wishes their child to study at Hebron.
Recent school report
Copy of birth certificate and passport (if available)
Admissions for the academic year commencing in August are usually decided in March.
Hebron is primarily a boarding school (from age nine years upwards) and there is only a small quota of day students.
It is sometimes known as “Hebron International School”, as it was recognised by the European Council of International Schools (ECIS) and because there are students from over 25 nationalities studying at the school.
The school is ranked #5 among international residential school in India in the EducationWorld India School Rankings 2020-21.
Most students are in residence and are grouped by sex and class groups into ‘Dorms’, though the very youngest boys and girls are together on the Lushington Campus. From its inception Hebron has been a boarding school. Positive, open communication between parents and children before starting school, followed by orientation at school, helps students to adjust and settle into residential life.
There are 15 dorms (‘dormitories’) arranged by age and sex. All dorms are single-sex. All boys’ dorms are on the Lushington campus along with the youngest girls’ dorms (around nine to 10 years of age). The girls’ dorms are on the Selborne campus.