
Help! My children are bored with online school

Sue Atkins

– Sue Atkins is a UK-based internationally recognised parenting expert, broadcaster, speaker and author of Parenting Made Easy — How to Raise Happy Children (2012)

My two children are bored with online school. I believe their full potential is not being realised, as they do limited study, with no sports and co-curricular activities. How can I help them?
— Menna Mathur, Delhi

These are challenging times for all families especially children. I suggest that you create a list of enjoyable activities by making an ‘Our (Family Name) Ideas Jar’ or ‘Our Great Indoors Jar’.

Decorate an unused jar with glitter. Then ask your children to write on slips of paper simple, enjoyable, inexpensive activity ideas. Place these slips into the jar. When the children complain, ‘We’re bored!’ ask them to pick a slip from the Ideas Jar and execute the activity.

Some ideas for the jar — learning about volcanoes/mountains/animals, exploring a new hobby such as painting, learning to cook or bake or play a new musical instrument, setting up a family challenge, playing board games, indoor gardening, going for a bike ride, reading a book, climbing a tree, organising a puppet show, walking the dog, etc.

My eight-year-old son is shy and reticent. How can I get him out of his shell?
— Shyla Tiwari, Mumbai

You need to role model confident social behaviour by doing the following:

Moreover, understand the nature of your son’s shyness to develop a plan of action designed towards his specific needs.

My 14-year old son wants to ride a motorbike. I have explained to him that it is illegal, but many of his friends ride two-wheelers.
— Aahana Singh, New Delhi

Say ‘No’ as it’s illegal and dangerous. Choose a good time to discuss and explain the issue. Acknowledge his frustration about wanting to drive, explaining to him the legal and other dangers while offering hope that when he reaches the legal age, you will enable him to ride a motorbike. Use this opportunity to build bridges of communication with your son, not walls.

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