
Tips to help children learn differently

Everybody these days knows that learning is a lifelong process. But how about parents helping children learn differently? Learning together can give you both deeper insights and a rich bonding experience. With many calls on your time, especially time with your child, it makes good sense to attempt learning together. Here are some things you can try.

Tips to help children learn differently

Explore a theme

Pick a theme you want to learn about and invite your child to join you. It could be a theme in which you think your child is likely to develop a deep interest. Make a joint effort to gather related information by visiting places, meeting people and doing some research on the internet and in the library. You get to learn something interesting, spend time with your child and teach her the joy of learning, all in one shot.

Learn a skill or sport

Indulge your dream of learning to skate or play an instrument. Make sure your child is also interested in the same activity, and begin learning together on weekends, on holidays and whenever time permits. If you need a coach or a class to learn the skill, this eliminates the difficulty of picking up and dropping your child as you will be going together.

Learn your child’s lessons

Every time you reprimand your child for a wrong attitude or action, do some introspection yourself. We often correct children without realising how similar our own actions may be, even if the circumstances are different. When you correct your child, make sure you correct yourself as well.

Pick up textbooks

You might find your child’s lessons more interesting and meaningful now than they were when you were in school. You probably don’t remember much anyway. So, as you help your child with homework and studies, take an avid interest in the subject and learn something yourself.

Declutter Day

Having a family De-clutter Day once a month helps the whole family. Get every member of the family to sort through their things and collect clothes, toys and other objects they want to throw or give away. These can be brought to a common area. If other family members would like to use any of those things, they can take them. The remaining stuff can be sorted into things that can be given away, stored for later use or trashed. Decide who to give the things to, and then do it within a few days. Old newspapers, magazines and recyclables can be sold to the local recycle shop.

Then everyone can spend thirty minutes arranging their shelves before finishing with a great lunch. Try to pick the first or last weekend of every month for your Declutter Day. Your family will learn the joy of giving, and will learn to value and use the things they have.

-Cynthia John

Also read: Learning difficulties and sensory processing disorders

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